HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
33 {
41  public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
42  {
44  //####################################################################//
45  // Pre-processing
47  // O(n) pass to convert to a tree, so that we can efficiently
48  // refer to substrings
49  $top_node = HTMLPurifier_Arborize::arborize($tokens, $config, $context);
51  // get a copy of the HTML definition
52  $definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
54  $excludes_enabled = !$config->get('Core.DisableExcludes');
56  // setup the context variable 'IsInline', for chameleon processing
57  // is 'false' when we are not inline, 'true' when it must always
58  // be inline, and an integer when it is inline for a certain
59  // branch of the document tree
60  $is_inline = $definition->info_parent_def->descendants_are_inline;
61  $context->register('IsInline', $is_inline);
63  // setup error collector
64  $e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector', true);
66  //####################################################################//
67  // Loop initialization
69  // stack that contains all elements that are excluded
70  // it is organized by parent elements, similar to $stack,
71  // but it is only populated when an element with exclusions is
72  // processed, i.e. there won't be empty exclusions.
73  $exclude_stack = array($definition->info_parent_def->excludes);
75  // variable that contains the start token while we are processing
76  // nodes. This enables error reporting to do its job
77  $node = $top_node;
78  // dummy token
79  list($token, $d) = $node->toTokenPair();
80  $context->register('CurrentNode', $node);
81  $context->register('CurrentToken', $token);
83  //####################################################################//
84  // Loop
86  // We need to implement a post-order traversal iteratively, to
87  // avoid running into stack space limits. This is pretty tricky
88  // to reason about, so we just manually stack-ify the recursive
89  // variant:
90  //
91  // function f($node) {
92  // foreach ($node->children as $child) {
93  // f($child);
94  // }
95  // validate($node);
96  // }
97  //
98  // Thus, we will represent a stack frame as array($node,
99  // $is_inline, stack of children)
100  // e.g. array_reverse($node->children) - already processed
101  // children.
103  $parent_def = $definition->info_parent_def;
104  $stack = array(
105  array($top_node,
106  $parent_def->descendants_are_inline,
107  $parent_def->excludes, // exclusions
108  0)
109  );
111  while (!empty($stack)) {
112  list($node, $is_inline, $excludes, $ix) = array_pop($stack);
113  // recursive call
114  $go = false;
115  $def = empty($stack) ? $definition->info_parent_def : $definition->info[$node->name];
116  while (isset($node->children[$ix])) {
117  $child = $node->children[$ix++];
118  if ($child instanceof HTMLPurifier_Node_Element) {
119  $go = true;
120  $stack[] = array($node, $is_inline, $excludes, $ix);
121  $stack[] = array($child,
122  // ToDo: I don't think it matters if it's def or
123  // child_def, but double check this...
124  $is_inline || $def->descendants_are_inline,
125  empty($def->excludes) ? $excludes
126  : array_merge($excludes, $def->excludes),
127  0);
128  break;
129  }
130  };
131  if ($go) continue;
132  list($token, $d) = $node->toTokenPair();
133  // base case
134  if ($excludes_enabled && isset($excludes[$node->name])) {
135  $node->dead = true;
136  if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node excluded');
137  } else {
138  // XXX I suppose it would be slightly more efficient to
139  // avoid the allocation here and have children
140  // strategies handle it
141  $children = array();
142  foreach ($node->children as $child) {
143  if (!$child->dead) $children[] = $child;
144  }
145  $result = $def->child->validateChildren($children, $config, $context);
146  if ($result === true) {
147  // nop
148  $node->children = $children;
149  } elseif ($result === false) {
150  $node->dead = true;
151  if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node removed');
152  } else {
153  $node->children = $result;
154  if ($e) {
155  // XXX This will miss mutations of internal nodes. Perhaps defer to the child validators
156  if (empty($result) && !empty($children)) {
157  $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node contents removed');
158  } else if ($result != $children) {
159  $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node reorganized');
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  }
164  }
166  //####################################################################//
167  // Post-processing
169  // remove context variables
170  $context->destroy('IsInline');
171  $context->destroy('CurrentNode');
172  $context->destroy('CurrentToken');
174  //####################################################################//
175  // Return
177  return HTMLPurifier_Arborize::flatten($node, $config, $context);
178  }
179 }
181 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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