HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/FontFamily.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
7 {
9  protected $mask = null;
11  public function __construct()
12  {
13  $this->mask = '_- ';
14  for ($c = 'a'; $c <= 'z'; $c++) {
15  $this->mask .= $c;
16  }
17  for ($c = 'A'; $c <= 'Z'; $c++) {
18  $this->mask .= $c;
19  }
20  for ($c = '0'; $c <= '9'; $c++) {
21  $this->mask .= $c;
22  } // cast-y, but should be fine
23  // special bytes used by UTF-8
24  for ($i = 0x80; $i <= 0xFF; $i++) {
25  // We don't bother excluding invalid bytes in this range,
26  // because the our restriction of well-formed UTF-8 will
27  // prevent these from ever occurring.
28  $this->mask .= chr($i);
29  }
31  /*
32  PHP's internal strcspn implementation is
33  O(length of string * length of mask), making it inefficient
34  for large masks. However, it's still faster than
35  preg_match 8)
36  for (p = s1;;) {
37  spanp = s2;
38  do {
39  if (*spanp == c || p == s1_end) {
40  return p - s1;
41  }
42  } while (spanp++ < (s2_end - 1));
43  c = *++p;
44  }
45  */
46  // possible optimization: invert the mask.
47  }
55  public function validate($string, $config, $context)
56  {
57  static $generic_names = array(
58  'serif' => true,
59  'sans-serif' => true,
60  'monospace' => true,
61  'fantasy' => true,
62  'cursive' => true
63  );
64  $allowed_fonts = $config->get('CSS.AllowedFonts');
66  // assume that no font names contain commas in them
67  $fonts = explode(',', $string);
68  $final = '';
69  foreach ($fonts as $font) {
70  $font = trim($font);
71  if ($font === '') {
72  continue;
73  }
74  // match a generic name
75  if (isset($generic_names[$font])) {
76  if ($allowed_fonts === null || isset($allowed_fonts[$font])) {
77  $final .= $font . ', ';
78  }
79  continue;
80  }
81  // match a quoted name
82  if ($font[0] === '"' || $font[0] === "'") {
83  $length = strlen($font);
84  if ($length <= 2) {
85  continue;
86  }
87  $quote = $font[0];
88  if ($font[$length - 1] !== $quote) {
89  continue;
90  }
91  $font = substr($font, 1, $length - 2);
92  }
94  $font = $this->expandCSSEscape($font);
96  // $font is a pure representation of the font name
98  if ($allowed_fonts !== null && !isset($allowed_fonts[$font])) {
99  continue;
100  }
102  if (ctype_alnum($font) && $font !== '') {
103  // very simple font, allow it in unharmed
104  $final .= $font . ', ';
105  continue;
106  }
108  // bugger out on whitespace. form feed (0C) really
109  // shouldn't show up regardless
110  $font = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r", "\x0C"), ' ', $font);
112  // Here, there are various classes of characters which need
113  // to be treated differently:
114  // - Alphanumeric characters are essentially safe. We
115  // handled these above.
116  // - Spaces require quoting, though most parsers will do
117  // the right thing if there aren't any characters that
118  // can be misinterpreted
119  // - Dashes rarely occur, but they fairly unproblematic
120  // for parsing/rendering purposes.
121  // The above characters cover the majority of Western font
122  // names.
123  // - Arbitrary Unicode characters not in ASCII. Because
124  // most parsers give little thought to Unicode, treatment
125  // of these codepoints is basically uniform, even for
126  // punctuation-like codepoints. These characters can
127  // show up in non-Western pages and are supported by most
128  // major browsers, for example: "MS 明朝" is a
129  // legitimate font-name
130  // <明朝>. See
131  // the CSS3 spec for more examples:
132  // <>
133  // You can see live samples of these on the Internet:
134  // <明朝|ゴシック>
135  // However, most of these fonts have ASCII equivalents:
136  // for example, 'MS Mincho', and it's considered
137  // professional to use ASCII font names instead of
138  // Unicode font names. Thanks Takeshi Terada for
139  // providing this information.
140  // The following characters, to my knowledge, have not been
141  // used to name font names.
142  // - Single quote. While theoretically you might find a
143  // font name that has a single quote in its name (serving
144  // as an apostrophe, e.g. Dave's Scribble), I haven't
145  // been able to find any actual examples of this.
146  // Internet Explorer's cssText translation (which I
147  // believe is invoked by innerHTML) normalizes any
148  // quoting to single quotes, and fails to escape single
149  // quotes. (Note that this is not IE's behavior for all
150  // CSS properties, just some sort of special casing for
151  // font-family). So a single quote *cannot* be used
152  // safely in the font-family context if there will be an
153  // innerHTML/cssText translation. Note that Firefox 3.x
154  // does this too.
155  // - Double quote. In IE, these get normalized to
156  // single-quotes, no matter what the encoding. (Fun
157  // fact, in IE8, the 'content' CSS property gained
158  // support, where they special cased to preserve encoded
159  // double quotes, but still translate unadorned double
160  // quotes into single quotes.) So, because their
161  // fixpoint behavior is identical to single quotes, they
162  // cannot be allowed either. Firefox 3.x displays
163  // single-quote style behavior.
164  // - Backslashes are reduced by one (so \\ -> \) every
165  // iteration, so they cannot be used safely. This shows
166  // up in IE7, IE8 and FF3
167  // - Semicolons, commas and backticks are handled properly.
168  // - The rest of the ASCII punctuation is handled properly.
169  // We haven't checked what browsers do to unadorned
170  // versions, but this is not important as long as the
171  // browser doesn't /remove/ surrounding quotes (as IE does
172  // for HTML).
173  //
174  // With these results in hand, we conclude that there are
175  // various levels of safety:
176  // - Paranoid: alphanumeric, spaces and dashes(?)
177  // - International: Paranoid + non-ASCII Unicode
178  // - Edgy: Everything except quotes, backslashes
179  // - NoJS: Standards compliance, e.g. sod IE. Note that
180  // with some judicious character escaping (since certain
181  // types of escaping doesn't work) this is theoretically
182  // OK as long as innerHTML/cssText is not called.
183  // We believe that international is a reasonable default
184  // (that we will implement now), and once we do more
185  // extensive research, we may feel comfortable with dropping
186  // it down to edgy.
188  // Edgy: alphanumeric, spaces, dashes, underscores and Unicode. Use of
189  // str(c)spn assumes that the string was already well formed
190  // Unicode (which of course it is).
191  if (strspn($font, $this->mask) !== strlen($font)) {
192  continue;
193  }
195  // Historical:
196  // In the absence of innerHTML/cssText, these ugly
197  // transforms don't pose a security risk (as \\ and \"
198  // might--these escapes are not supported by most browsers).
199  // We could try to be clever and use single-quote wrapping
200  // when there is a double quote present, but I have choosen
201  // not to implement that. (NOTE: you can reduce the amount
202  // of escapes by one depending on what quoting style you use)
203  // $font = str_replace('\\', '\\5C ', $font);
204  // $font = str_replace('"', '\\22 ', $font);
205  // $font = str_replace("'", '\\27 ', $font);
207  // font possibly with spaces, requires quoting
208  $final .= "'$font', ";
209  }
210  $final = rtrim($final, ', ');
211  if ($final === '') {
212  return false;
213  }
214  return $final;
215  }
217 }
219 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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