HTMLPurifier/Generator.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
11 {
17  private $_xhtml = true;
23  private $_scriptFix = false;
30  private $_def;
36  private $_sortAttr;
42  private $_flashCompat;
48  private $_innerHTMLFix;
55  private $_flashStack = array();
61  protected $config;
67  public function __construct($config, $context)
68  {
69  $this->config = $config;
70  $this->_scriptFix = $config->get('Output.CommentScriptContents');
71  $this->_innerHTMLFix = $config->get('Output.FixInnerHTML');
72  $this->_sortAttr = $config->get('Output.SortAttr');
73  $this->_flashCompat = $config->get('Output.FlashCompat');
74  $this->_def = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
75  $this->_xhtml = $this->_def->doctype->xml;
76  }
83  public function generateFromTokens($tokens)
84  {
85  if (!$tokens) {
86  return '';
87  }
89  // Basic algorithm
90  $html = '';
91  for ($i = 0, $size = count($tokens); $i < $size; $i++) {
92  if ($this->_scriptFix && $tokens[$i]->name === 'script'
93  && $i + 2 < $size && $tokens[$i+2] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
94  // script special case
95  // the contents of the script block must be ONE token
96  // for this to work.
97  $html .= $this->generateFromToken($tokens[$i++]);
98  $html .= $this->generateScriptFromToken($tokens[$i++]);
99  }
100  $html .= $this->generateFromToken($tokens[$i]);
101  }
103  // Tidy cleanup
104  if (extension_loaded('tidy') && $this->config->get('Output.TidyFormat')) {
105  $tidy = new Tidy;
106  $tidy->parseString(
107  $html,
108  array(
109  'indent'=> true,
110  'output-xhtml' => $this->_xhtml,
111  'show-body-only' => true,
112  'indent-spaces' => 2,
113  'wrap' => 68,
114  ),
115  'utf8'
116  );
117  $tidy->cleanRepair();
118  $html = (string) $tidy; // explicit cast necessary
119  }
121  // Normalize newlines to system defined value
122  if ($this->config->get('Core.NormalizeNewlines')) {
123  $nl = $this->config->get('Output.Newline');
124  if ($nl === null) {
125  $nl = PHP_EOL;
126  }
127  if ($nl !== "\n") {
128  $html = str_replace("\n", $nl, $html);
129  }
130  }
131  return $html;
132  }
139  public function generateFromToken($token)
140  {
141  if (!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token) {
142  trigger_error('Cannot generate HTML from non-HTMLPurifier_Token object', E_USER_WARNING);
143  return '';
145  } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
146  $attr = $this->generateAttributes($token->attr, $token->name);
147  if ($this->_flashCompat) {
148  if ($token->name == "object") {
149  $flash = new stdclass();
150  $flash->attr = $token->attr;
151  $flash->param = array();
152  $this->_flashStack[] = $flash;
153  }
154  }
155  return '<' . $token->name . ($attr ? ' ' : '') . $attr . '>';
157  } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
158  $_extra = '';
159  if ($this->_flashCompat) {
160  if ($token->name == "object" && !empty($this->_flashStack)) {
161  // doesn't do anything for now
162  }
163  }
164  return $_extra . '</' . $token->name . '>';
166  } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) {
167  if ($this->_flashCompat && $token->name == "param" && !empty($this->_flashStack)) {
168  $this->_flashStack[count($this->_flashStack)-1]->param[$token->attr['name']] = $token->attr['value'];
169  }
170  $attr = $this->generateAttributes($token->attr, $token->name);
171  return '<' . $token->name . ($attr ? ' ' : '') . $attr .
172  ( $this->_xhtml ? ' /': '' ) // <br /> v. <br>
173  . '>';
175  } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) {
176  return $this->escape($token->data, ENT_NOQUOTES);
178  } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Comment) {
179  return '<!--' . $token->data . '-->';
180  } else {
181  return '';
183  }
184  }
193  public function generateScriptFromToken($token)
194  {
195  if (!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) {
196  return $this->generateFromToken($token);
197  }
198  // Thanks <>
199  $data = preg_replace('#//\s*$#', '', $token->data);
200  return '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--' . "\n" . trim($data) . "\n" . '//--><!]]>';
201  }
211  public function generateAttributes($assoc_array_of_attributes, $element = '')
212  {
213  $html = '';
214  if ($this->_sortAttr) {
215  ksort($assoc_array_of_attributes);
216  }
217  foreach ($assoc_array_of_attributes as $key => $value) {
218  if (!$this->_xhtml) {
219  // Remove namespaced attributes
220  if (strpos($key, ':') !== false) {
221  continue;
222  }
223  // Check if we should minimize the attribute: val="val" -> val
224  if ($element && !empty($this->_def->info[$element]->attr[$key]->minimized)) {
225  $html .= $key . ' ';
226  continue;
227  }
228  }
229  // Workaround for Internet Explorer innerHTML bug.
230  // Essentially, Internet Explorer, when calculating
231  // innerHTML, omits quotes if there are no instances of
232  // angled brackets, quotes or spaces. However, when parsing
233  // HTML (for example, when you assign to innerHTML), it
234  // treats backticks as quotes. Thus,
235  // <img alt="``" />
236  // becomes
237  // <img alt=`` />
238  // becomes
239  // <img alt='' />
240  // Fortunately, all we need to do is trigger an appropriate
241  // quoting style, which we do by adding an extra space.
242  // This also is consistent with the W3C spec, which states
243  // that user agents may ignore leading or trailing
244  // whitespace (in fact, most don't, at least for attributes
245  // like alt, but an extra space at the end is barely
246  // noticeable). Still, we have a configuration knob for
247  // this, since this transformation is not necesary if you
248  // don't process user input with innerHTML or you don't plan
249  // on supporting Internet Explorer.
250  if ($this->_innerHTMLFix) {
251  if (strpos($value, '`') !== false) {
252  // check if correct quoting style would not already be
253  // triggered
254  if (strcspn($value, '"\' <>') === strlen($value)) {
255  // protect!
256  $value .= ' ';
257  }
258  }
259  }
260  $html .= $key.'="'.$this->escape($value).'" ';
261  }
262  return rtrim($html);
263  }
275  public function escape($string, $quote = null)
276  {
277  // Workaround for APC bug on Mac Leopard reported by sidepodcast
278  //,4823,4846
279  if ($quote === null) {
280  $quote = ENT_COMPAT;
281  }
282  return htmlspecialchars($string, $quote, 'UTF-8');
283  }
284 }
286 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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