HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/Validator.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
12 {
17  protected $interchange;
22  protected $aliases;
28  protected $context = array();
34  protected $parser;
36  public function __construct()
37  {
38  $this->parser = new HTMLPurifier_VarParser();
39  }
46  public function validate($interchange)
47  {
48  $this->interchange = $interchange;
49  $this->aliases = array();
50  // PHP is a bit lax with integer <=> string conversions in
51  // arrays, so we don't use the identical !== comparison
52  foreach ($interchange->directives as $i => $directive) {
53  $id = $directive->id->toString();
54  if ($i != $id) {
55  $this->error(false, "Integrity violation: key '$i' does not match internal id '$id'");
56  }
57  $this->validateDirective($directive);
58  }
59  return true;
60  }
66  public function validateId($id)
67  {
68  $id_string = $id->toString();
69  $this->context[] = "id '$id_string'";
70  if (!$id instanceof HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id) {
71  // handled by InterchangeBuilder
72  $this->error(false, 'is not an instance of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id');
73  }
74  // keys are now unconstrained (we might want to narrow down to A-Za-z0-9.)
75  // we probably should check that it has at least one namespace
76  $this->with($id, 'key')
77  ->assertNotEmpty()
78  ->assertIsString(); // implicit assertIsString handled by InterchangeBuilder
79  array_pop($this->context);
80  }
86  public function validateDirective($d)
87  {
88  $id = $d->id->toString();
89  $this->context[] = "directive '$id'";
90  $this->validateId($d->id);
92  $this->with($d, 'description')
93  ->assertNotEmpty();
95  // BEGIN - handled by InterchangeBuilder
96  $this->with($d, 'type')
97  ->assertNotEmpty();
98  $this->with($d, 'typeAllowsNull')
99  ->assertIsBool();
100  try {
101  // This also tests validity of $d->type
102  $this->parser->parse($d->default, $d->type, $d->typeAllowsNull);
103  } catch (HTMLPurifier_VarParserException $e) {
104  $this->error('default', 'had error: ' . $e->getMessage());
105  }
106  // END - handled by InterchangeBuilder
108  if (!is_null($d->allowed) || !empty($d->valueAliases)) {
109  // allowed and valueAliases require that we be dealing with
110  // strings, so check for that early.
111  $d_int = HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$types[$d->type];
112  if (!isset(HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$stringTypes[$d_int])) {
113  $this->error('type', 'must be a string type when used with allowed or value aliases');
114  }
115  }
117  $this->validateDirectiveAllowed($d);
119  $this->validateDirectiveAliases($d);
121  array_pop($this->context);
122  }
129  public function validateDirectiveAllowed($d)
130  {
131  if (is_null($d->allowed)) {
132  return;
133  }
134  $this->with($d, 'allowed')
135  ->assertNotEmpty()
136  ->assertIsLookup(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
137  if (is_string($d->default) && !isset($d->allowed[$d->default])) {
138  $this->error('default', 'must be an allowed value');
139  }
140  $this->context[] = 'allowed';
141  foreach ($d->allowed as $val => $x) {
142  if (!is_string($val)) {
143  $this->error("value $val", 'must be a string');
144  }
145  }
146  array_pop($this->context);
147  }
154  public function validateDirectiveValueAliases($d)
155  {
156  if (is_null($d->valueAliases)) {
157  return;
158  }
159  $this->with($d, 'valueAliases')
160  ->assertIsArray(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
161  $this->context[] = 'valueAliases';
162  foreach ($d->valueAliases as $alias => $real) {
163  if (!is_string($alias)) {
164  $this->error("alias $alias", 'must be a string');
165  }
166  if (!is_string($real)) {
167  $this->error("alias target $real from alias '$alias'", 'must be a string');
168  }
169  if ($alias === $real) {
170  $this->error("alias '$alias'", "must not be an alias to itself");
171  }
172  }
173  if (!is_null($d->allowed)) {
174  foreach ($d->valueAliases as $alias => $real) {
175  if (isset($d->allowed[$alias])) {
176  $this->error("alias '$alias'", 'must not be an allowed value');
177  } elseif (!isset($d->allowed[$real])) {
178  $this->error("alias '$alias'", 'must be an alias to an allowed value');
179  }
180  }
181  }
182  array_pop($this->context);
183  }
190  public function validateDirectiveAliases($d)
191  {
192  $this->with($d, 'aliases')
193  ->assertIsArray(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
194  $this->context[] = 'aliases';
195  foreach ($d->aliases as $alias) {
196  $this->validateId($alias);
197  $s = $alias->toString();
198  if (isset($this->interchange->directives[$s])) {
199  $this->error("alias '$s'", 'collides with another directive');
200  }
201  if (isset($this->aliases[$s])) {
202  $other_directive = $this->aliases[$s];
203  $this->error("alias '$s'", "collides with alias for directive '$other_directive'");
204  }
205  $this->aliases[$s] = $d->id->toString();
206  }
207  array_pop($this->context);
208  }
210  // protected helper functions
219  protected function with($obj, $member)
220  {
221  return new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom($this->getFormattedContext(), $obj, $member);
222  }
228  protected function error($target, $msg)
229  {
230  if ($target !== false) {
231  $prefix = ucfirst($target) . ' in ' . $this->getFormattedContext();
232  } else {
233  $prefix = ucfirst($this->getFormattedContext());
234  }
235  throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception(trim($prefix . ' ' . $msg));
236  }
242  protected function getFormattedContext()
243  {
244  return implode(' in ', array_reverse($this->context));
245  }
246 }
248 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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