Ausstehende Aufgaben

Ausstehende Aufgaben
Namensbereich SimplePie

Move to properly supporting RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1)

Move to using an actual HTML parser (this will allow tags to be properly stripped, and to switch between HTML and XHTML), this will also make it easier to shorten a string while preserving HTML tags

Global SimplePie::subscribe_url ()

If we have a perm redirect we should return the new URL

When we make the above change, let's support <itunes:new-feed-url> as well

Also, |atom:link|=self

Hardcode for release (there's no need to have to call SimplePie_Misc::get_build() only every load of
Global SimplePie_Enclosure::embed ($options= '', $native=false)
If the dimensions for media:content are defined, use them when width/height are set to 'auto'.
Global SimplePie_Item::get_enclosure ($key=0, $prefer=null)
Add ability to prefer one type of content over another (in a media group).
Global SimplePie_Item::get_enclosures ()

Add support for end-user defined sorting of enclosures by type/handler (so we can prefer the faster-loading FLV over MP4).

If an element exists at a level, but it's value is empty, we should fall back to the value from the parent (if it exists).

Global SimplePie_Misc::xml_encoding ($data, $registry)
Add support for EBCDIC

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