libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
19 {
28  public function populate(Smarty_Template_Cached $cached, Smarty_Internal_Template $_template)
29  {
30  $_source_file_path = str_replace(':', '.', $_template->source->filepath);
31  $_cache_id = isset($_template->cache_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $_template->cache_id) : null;
32  $_compile_id = isset($_template->compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $_template->compile_id) : null;
33  $_filepath = $_template->source->uid;
34  // if use_sub_dirs, break file into directories
35  if ($_template->smarty->use_sub_dirs) {
36  $_filepath = substr($_filepath, 0, 2) . DS
37  . substr($_filepath, 2, 2) . DS
38  . substr($_filepath, 4, 2) . DS
39  . $_filepath;
40  }
41  $_compile_dir_sep = $_template->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^';
42  if (isset($_cache_id)) {
43  $_cache_id = str_replace('|', $_compile_dir_sep, $_cache_id) . $_compile_dir_sep;
44  } else {
45  $_cache_id = '';
46  }
47  if (isset($_compile_id)) {
48  $_compile_id = $_compile_id . $_compile_dir_sep;
49  } else {
50  $_compile_id = '';
51  }
52  $_cache_dir = $_template->smarty->getCacheDir();
53  if ($_template->smarty->cache_locking) {
54  // create locking file name
55  // relative file name?
56  if (!preg_match('/^([\/\\\\]|[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\\\])/', $_cache_dir)) {
57  $_lock_dir = rtrim(getcwd(), '/\\') . DS . $_cache_dir;
58  } else {
59  $_lock_dir = $_cache_dir;
60  }
61  $cached->lock_id = $_lock_dir . sha1($_cache_id . $_compile_id . $_template->source->uid) . '.lock';
62  }
63  $cached->filepath = $_cache_dir . $_cache_id . $_compile_id . $_filepath . '.' . basename($_source_file_path) . '.php';
64  $cached->timestamp = $cached->exists = is_file($cached->filepath);
65  if ($cached->exists) {
66  $cached->timestamp = filemtime($cached->filepath);
67  }
68  }
77  public function populateTimestamp(Smarty_Template_Cached $cached)
78  {
79  $cached->timestamp = $cached->exists = is_file($cached->filepath);
80  if ($cached->exists) {
81  $cached->timestamp = filemtime($cached->filepath);
82  }
83  }
93  public function process(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached = null)
94  {
98  $_smarty_tpl = $_template;
100  return @include $_template->cached->filepath;
101  }
111  public function writeCachedContent(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template, $content)
112  {
113  $obj = new Smarty_Internal_Write_File();
114  if ($obj->writeFile($_template->cached->filepath, $content, $_template->smarty) === true) {
115  $cached = $_template->cached;
116  $cached->timestamp = $cached->exists = is_file($cached->filepath);
117  if ($cached->exists) {
118  $cached->timestamp = filemtime($cached->filepath);
119  return true;
120  }
121  }
122  return false;
123  }
132  public function readCachedContent(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template)
133  {
134  if (is_file($_template->cached->filepath)) {
135  return file_get_contents($_template->cached->filepath);
136  }
137  return false;
138  }
148  public function clearAll(Smarty $smarty, $exp_time = null)
149  {
150  return $this->clear($smarty, null, null, null, $exp_time);
151  }
164  public function clear(Smarty $smarty, $resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time)
165  {
166  $_cache_id = isset($cache_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $cache_id) : null;
167  $_compile_id = isset($compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $compile_id) : null;
168  $_dir_sep = $smarty->use_sub_dirs ? '/' : '^';
169  $_compile_id_offset = $smarty->use_sub_dirs ? 3 : 0;
170  $_dir = realpath($smarty->getCacheDir()) . '/';
171  if ($_dir == '/') { //We should never want to delete this!
172  return 0;
173  }
174  $_dir_length = strlen($_dir);
175  if (isset($_cache_id)) {
176  $_cache_id_parts = explode('|', $_cache_id);
177  $_cache_id_parts_count = count($_cache_id_parts);
178  if ($smarty->use_sub_dirs) {
179  foreach ($_cache_id_parts as $id_part) {
180  $_dir .= $id_part . DS;
181  }
182  }
183  }
184  if (isset($resource_name)) {
185  $_save_stat = $smarty->caching;
186  $smarty->caching = true;
187  $tpl = new $smarty->template_class($resource_name, $smarty);
188  $smarty->caching = $_save_stat;
190  // remove from template cache
191  $tpl->source; // have the template registered before unset()
192  if ($smarty->allow_ambiguous_resources) {
193  $_templateId = $tpl->source->unique_resource . $tpl->cache_id . $tpl->compile_id;
194  } else {
195  $_templateId = $smarty->joined_template_dir . '#' . $resource_name . $tpl->cache_id . $tpl->compile_id;
196  }
197  if (isset($_templateId[150])) {
198  $_templateId = sha1($_templateId);
199  }
200  unset($smarty->template_objects[$_templateId]);
202  if ($tpl->source->exists) {
203  $_resourcename_parts = basename(str_replace('^', '/', $tpl->cached->filepath));
204  } else {
205  return 0;
206  }
207  }
208  $_count = 0;
209  $_time = time();
210  if (file_exists($_dir)) {
211  $_cacheDirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir);
212  $_cache = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_cacheDirs, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
213  foreach ($_cache as $_file) {
214  if (substr(basename($_file->getPathname()), 0, 1) == '.' || strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) {
215  continue;
216  }
217  // directory ?
218  if ($_file->isDir()) {
219  if (!$_cache->isDot()) {
220  // delete folder if empty
221  @rmdir($_file->getPathname());
222  }
223  } else {
224  $_parts = explode($_dir_sep, str_replace('\\', '/', substr((string) $_file, $_dir_length)));
225  $_parts_count = count($_parts);
226  // check name
227  if (isset($resource_name)) {
228  if ($_parts[$_parts_count - 1] != $_resourcename_parts) {
229  continue;
230  }
231  }
232  // check compile id
233  if (isset($_compile_id) && (!isset($_parts[$_parts_count - 2 - $_compile_id_offset]) || $_parts[$_parts_count - 2 - $_compile_id_offset] != $_compile_id)) {
234  continue;
235  }
236  // check cache id
237  if (isset($_cache_id)) {
238  // count of cache id parts
239  $_parts_count = (isset($_compile_id)) ? $_parts_count - 2 - $_compile_id_offset : $_parts_count - 1 - $_compile_id_offset;
240  if ($_parts_count < $_cache_id_parts_count) {
241  continue;
242  }
243  for ($i = 0; $i < $_cache_id_parts_count; $i ++) {
244  if ($_parts[$i] != $_cache_id_parts[$i]) {
245  continue 2;
246  }
247  }
248  }
249  // expired ?
250  if (isset($exp_time)) {
251  if ($exp_time < 0) {
252  preg_match('#\'cache_lifetime\' =>\s*(\d*)#', file_get_contents($_file), $match);
253  if ($_time < (@filemtime($_file) + $match[1])) {
254  continue;
255  }
256  } else {
257  if ($_time - @filemtime($_file) < $exp_time) {
258  continue;
259  }
260  }
261  }
262  $_count += @unlink((string) $_file) ? 1 : 0;
263  }
264  }
265  }
267  return $_count;
268  }
278  public function hasLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached)
279  {
280  if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {
281  clearstatcache(true, $cached->lock_id);
282  } else {
283  clearstatcache();
284  }
285  if (is_file($cached->lock_id)) {
286  $t = @filemtime($cached->lock_id);
287  return $t && (time() - $t < $smarty->locking_timeout);
288  } else {
289  return false;
290  }
291  }
301  public function acquireLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached)
302  {
303  $cached->is_locked = true;
304  touch($cached->lock_id);
305  }
315  public function releaseLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached)
316  {
317  $cached->is_locked = false;
318  @unlink($cached->lock_id);
319  }
320 }

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