libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compilebase.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
17 {
23  public $required_attributes = array();
30  public $optional_attributes = array();
36  public $shorttag_order = array();
42  public $option_flags = array('nocache');
56  public function getAttributes($compiler, $attributes)
57  {
58  $_indexed_attr = array();
59  // loop over attributes
60  foreach ($attributes as $key => $mixed) {
61  // shorthand ?
62  if (!is_array($mixed)) {
63  // option flag ?
64  if (in_array(trim($mixed, '\'"'), $this->option_flags)) {
65  $_indexed_attr[trim($mixed, '\'"')] = true;
66  // shorthand attribute ?
67  } elseif (isset($this->shorttag_order[$key])) {
68  $_indexed_attr[$this->shorttag_order[$key]] = $mixed;
69  } else {
70  // too many shorthands
71  $compiler->trigger_template_error('too many shorthand attributes', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
72  }
73  // named attribute
74  } else {
75  $kv = each($mixed);
76  // option flag?
77  if (in_array($kv['key'], $this->option_flags)) {
78  if (is_bool($kv['value'])) {
79  $_indexed_attr[$kv['key']] = $kv['value'];
80  } elseif (is_string($kv['value']) && in_array(trim($kv['value'], '\'"'), array('true', 'false'))) {
81  if (trim($kv['value']) == 'true') {
82  $_indexed_attr[$kv['key']] = true;
83  } else {
84  $_indexed_attr[$kv['key']] = false;
85  }
86  } elseif (is_numeric($kv['value']) && in_array($kv['value'], array(0, 1))) {
87  if ($kv['value'] == 1) {
88  $_indexed_attr[$kv['key']] = true;
89  } else {
90  $_indexed_attr[$kv['key']] = false;
91  }
92  } else {
93  $compiler->trigger_template_error("illegal value of option flag \"{$kv['key']}\"", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
94  }
95  // must be named attribute
96  } else {
97  reset($mixed);
98  $_indexed_attr[key($mixed)] = $mixed[key($mixed)];
99  }
100  }
101  }
102  // check if all required attributes present
103  foreach ($this->required_attributes as $attr) {
104  if (!array_key_exists($attr, $_indexed_attr)) {
105  $compiler->trigger_template_error("missing \"" . $attr . "\" attribute", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
106  }
107  }
108  // check for not allowed attributes
109  if ($this->optional_attributes != array('_any')) {
110  $tmp_array = array_merge($this->required_attributes, $this->optional_attributes, $this->option_flags);
111  foreach ($_indexed_attr as $key => $dummy) {
112  if (!in_array($key, $tmp_array) && $key !== 0) {
113  $compiler->trigger_template_error("unexpected \"" . $key . "\" attribute", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
114  }
115  }
116  }
117  // default 'false' for all option flags not set
118  foreach ($this->option_flags as $flag) {
119  if (!isset($_indexed_attr[$flag])) {
120  $_indexed_attr[$flag] = false;
121  }
122  }
124  return $_indexed_attr;
125  }
135  public function openTag($compiler, $openTag, $data = null)
136  {
137  array_push($compiler->_tag_stack, array($openTag, $data));
138  }
149  public function closeTag($compiler, $expectedTag)
150  {
151  if (count($compiler->_tag_stack) > 0) {
152  // get stacked info
153  list($_openTag, $_data) = array_pop($compiler->_tag_stack);
154  // open tag must match with the expected ones
155  if (in_array($_openTag, (array) $expectedTag)) {
156  if (is_null($_data)) {
157  // return opening tag
158  return $_openTag;
159  } else {
160  // return restored data
161  return $_data;
162  }
163  }
164  // wrong nesting of tags
165  $compiler->trigger_template_error("unclosed {$compiler->smarty->left_delimiter}" . $_openTag . "{$compiler->smarty->right_delimiter} tag");
167  return;
168  }
169  // wrong nesting of tags
170  $compiler->trigger_template_error("unexpected closing tag", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
172  return;
173  }
174 }

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