* @link http://www.oos-shop.de/ */ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined( 'OOS_VALID_MOD' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); /** * Stop from parsing any further PHP code */ function oos_exit() { oos_session_close(); exit(); } /** * Redirect to another page or site * * @param $sUrl * @return string */ function oos_redirect($sUrl) { if (ENABLE_SSL == 'true'){ if (strtolower(oos_server_get_var('HTTPS')) == 'on' || (oos_server_get_var('HTTPS') == '1') || oos_server_has_var('SSL_PROTOCOL')) { // We are loading an SSL page if (substr($sUrl, 0, strlen(OOS_HTTP_SERVER)) == OOS_HTTP_SERVER) { // NONSSL url $sUrl = OOS_HTTPS_SERVER . substr($sUrl, strlen(OOS_HTTP_SERVER)); // Change it to SSL } } } // clean URL if (strpos($sUrl, '&') !== false) $sUrl = str_replace('&', '&', $sUrl); if (strpos($sUrl, '&&') !== false) $sUrl = str_replace('&&', '&', $sUrl); header('Location: ' . $sUrl); oos_exit(); } /** * Return a random row from a database query * * @param $query * @param $limit * @return string */ function oos_random_select($query, $limit = '') { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $random_product = ''; if (oos_is_not_null($limit)) { if (USE_DB_CACHE == 'true') { $random_result = $dbconn->CacheSelectLimit(15, $query, $limit); } else { $random_result = $dbconn->SelectLimit($query, $limit); } } else { if (USE_DB_CACHE == 'true') { $random_result = $dbconn->CacheExecute(15, $query); } else { $random_result = $dbconn->Execute($query); } } $num_rows = $random_result->RecordCount(); if ($num_rows > 0) { $random_row = oos_rand(0, ($num_rows - 1)); $random_result->Move($random_row); $random_product = $random_result->fields; } return $random_product; } function oos_prepare_input($sStr) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $sStr =& stripslashes($sStr); } $sStr =& strip_tags($sStr); $sStr =& trim($sStr); return $sStr; } /** * strip slashes * * stripslashes on multidimensional arrays. * Used in conjunction with pnVarCleanFromInput * @author PostNuke Content Management System * @copyright Copyright (C) 2001 by the Post-Nuke Development Team. * @version Revision: 2.0 - changed by Author: r23 on Date: 2004/01/12 06:02:08 * @access private * @param any variables or arrays to be stripslashed */ function oos_stripslashes (&$value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $value = stripslashes($value); } else { array_walk($value,'oos_stripslashes'); } } /** * ready operating system output *
* Gets a variable, cleaning it up such that any attempts * to access files outside of the scope of the PostNuke * system is not allowed * @author PostNuke Content Management System * @copyright Copyright (C) 2001 by the Post-Nuke Development Team. * @version Revision: 2.0 - changed by Author: r23 on Date: 2004/01/12 06:02:08 * @access private * @param var variable to prepare * @param ... * @returns string/array * @return prepared variable if only one variable passed * in, otherwise an array of prepared variables */ function oos_var_prep_for_os() { static $search = array('!\.\./!si', // .. (directory traversal) '!^.*://!si', // .*:// (start of URL) '!/!si', // Forward slash (directory traversal) '!\\\\!si'); // Backslash (directory traversal) static $replace = array('', '', '_', '_'); $resarray = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) { // Parse out bad things $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar); // Prepare var if (!get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { $ourvar = addslashes($ourvar); } // Add to array array_push($resarray, $ourvar); } // Return vars if (func_num_args() == 1) { return $resarray[0]; } else { return $resarray; } } /** * Return Product's Name * * @param $nProductID * @return string */ function oos_get_products_name($nProductID) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $nLanguageID = isset($_SESSION['language_id']) ? $_SESSION['language_id']+0 : 1; $products_descriptiontable = $oostable['products_description']; $query = "SELECT products_name FROM $products_descriptiontable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "' AND products_languages_id = '" . intval($nLanguageID) . "'"; $products_name = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $products_name; } /** * Return News Author Name * * @param $nNewsAuthorId * @return string */ function oos_get_news_author_name($nNewsAuthorId) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $admintable = $oostable['admin']; $query = "SELECT admin_firstname, admin_lastname FROM $admintable WHERE admin_id = '" . intval($nNewsAuthorId) . "'"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); $sAdminName = $result->fields['admin_firstname'] . ' ' . $result->fields['admin_lastname']; // Close result set $result->Close(); return $sAdminName; } /** * Return News Average Rating * * @param $nNewsId * @return string */ function oos_get_news_reviews($nNewsId) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $news_reviewstable = $oostable['news_reviews']; $query = "SELECT (avg(news_reviews_rating ) / 5 * 100) AS average_rating FROM $news_reviewstable WHERE news_id = '" . intval($nNewsId) . "'"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); $sAverage = $result->fields['average_rating']; // Close result set $result->Close(); return $sAverage; } /** * Return Wishlist Customer Name * * @param $wlid * @return string */ function oos_get_wishlist_name($wlid) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $customerstable = $oostable['customers']; $query = "SELECT customers_firstname, customers_lastname FROM $customerstable WHERE customers_wishlist_link_id = '" . oos_db_input($wlid) . "'"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); $sCustomersName = $result->fields['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $result->fields['customers_lastname']; // Close result set $result->Close(); return $sCustomersName; } /** * Return Products Special Price * * @param $nProductID * @return string */ function oos_get_products_special_price($nProductID) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $specialstable = $oostable['specials']; $query = "SELECT specials_new_products_price FROM $specialstable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "' AND status"; $specials_new_products_price = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $specials_new_products_price; } /** * Return Products Quantity * * @param $sProductsId * @return string */ function oos_get_products_stock($sProductsId) { $nProductID = oos_get_product_id($sProductsId); // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $productstable = $oostable['products']; $query = "SELECT products_quantity FROM $productstable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "'"; $products_quantity = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $products_quantity; } /** * Return a product's minimum quantity * * @param $sProductsId * @return string */ function oos_get_products_quantity_order_min($sProductsId) { $nProductID = oos_get_product_id($sProductsId); // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $productstable = $oostable['products']; $query = "SELECT products_quantity_order_min FROM $productstable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "'"; $products_quantity_order_min = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $products_quantity_order_min; } /** * Return a product's minimum unit order * * @param $sProductsId * @return string */ function oos_get_products_quantity_order_units($sProductsId) { $nProductID = oos_get_product_id($sProductsId); // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $productstable = $oostable['products']; $query = "SELECT products_quantity_order_units FROM $productstable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "'"; $products_quantity_order_units = $dbconn->GetOne($query); if ($products_quantity_order_units == 0) { $productstable = $oostable['products']; $dbconn->Execute("UPDATE $productstable SET products_quantity_order_units = 1 WHERE products_id = '" . intval($nProductID) . "'"); $products_quantity_order_units = 1; } return $products_quantity_order_units; } /** * Find quantity discount * * @param $product_id * @param $qty * @param $current_price * @return string */ function oos_get_products_price_quantity_discount($product_id, $qty, $current_price = false) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $productstable = $oostable['products']; $query = "SELECT products_price, products_discount1, products_discount2, products_discount3, products_discount4, products_discount1_qty, products_discount2_qty, products_discount3_qty, products_discount4_qty FROM $productstable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($product_id) . "'"; $product_discounts = $dbconn->GetRow($query); switch ( true ) { case ( $qty==1 or ( $product_discounts['products_discount4_qty'] == 0 AND $product_discounts['products_discount3_qty'] == 0 AND $product_discounts['products_discount2_qty'] == 0 AND $product_discounts['products_discount1_qty'] == 0 ) ): if ($current_price) { $the_discount_price= $current_price; } else { $the_discount_price= $product_discounts['products_price']; } break; case ($qty >= $product_discounts['products_discount4_qty'] and $product_discounts['products_discount4_qty'] !=0): $the_discount_price= $product_discounts['products_discount4']; break; case ($qty >= $product_discounts['products_discount3_qty'] and $product_discounts['products_discount3_qty'] !=0 ): $the_discount_price= $product_discounts['products_discount3']; break; case ($qty >= $product_discounts['products_discount2_qty'] and $product_discounts['products_discount2_qty'] !=0 ): $the_discount_price= $product_discounts['products_discount2']; break; case ($qty >= $product_discounts['products_discount1_qty'] and $product_discounts['products_discount1_qty'] !=0 ): $the_discount_price= $product_discounts['products_discount1']; break; default: if ($current_price) { $the_discount_price = $current_price; } else { $the_discount_price = $product_discounts['products_price']; } break; } return $the_discount_price; } /** * Check if the required stock is available * If insufficent stock is available return an out of stock message * * @param $sProductsId * @param $nProductsQuantity * @return string */ function oos_check_stock($sProductsId, $nProductsQuantity) { global $aLang; $stock_left = oos_get_products_stock($sProductsId) - $nProductsQuantity; $sOutOfStock = ''; if ($stock_left < 0) { $sOutOfStock = '' . STOCK_MARK_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_STOCK . ''; } return $sOutOfStock; } /** * Return all GET variables, except those passed as a parameter * * @param $aExclude * @return string */ function oos_get_all_get_parameters($aExclude = '') { if (!is_array($aExclude)) $aExclude = array(); $aParameters = array('p', 'error', 'rewrite', 'c', 'm', 'mp', 'file', 'infex.php', 'history_back', 'gclid', 'x', 'y'); $sUrl = ''; if (is_array($_GET) && (count($_GET) > 0)) { reset($_GET); while (list($sKey, $sValue) = each($_GET)) { if (strlen($sValue) > 0) { if ( ($sKey != oos_session_name()) && (!in_array($sKey, $aParameters)) && (!in_array($sKey, $aExclude)) ) { $sUrl .= $sKey . '=' . rawurlencode(stripslashes($sValue)) . '&'; } } } } return $sUrl; } /** * Return all POST variables, except those passed as a parameter * * @param $aExclude * @return string */ function oos_get_all_post_parameters($aExclude = '') { if (!is_array($aExclude)) $aExclude = array(); $aParameters = array('mp', 'file', 'x', 'y'); $sUrl = ''; if (is_array($_POST) && (count($_POST) > 0)) { reset($_POST); while (list($sKey, $sValue) = each($_POST)) { if (strlen($sValue) > 0) { if ( ($sKey != oos_session_name()) && (!in_array($sKey, $aParameters)) && (!in_array($sKey, $aExclude)) ) { $sUrl .= $sKey . '=' . rawurlencode(stripslashes($sValue)) . '&'; } } } } return $sUrl; } /** * Returns an array with countries * * @param $countries_id * @param $bWithIsoCodes * @return array */ function oos_get_countries($countries_id = '', $bWithIsoCodes = false) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $aCountries = array(); if (oos_is_not_null($countries_id)) { if ($bWithIsoCodes == true) { $countriestable = $oostable['countries']; $query = "SELECT countries_name, countries_iso_code_2, countries_iso_code_3 FROM $countriestable WHERE countries_id = '" . intval($countries_id) . "' ORDER BY countries_name"; $aCountries = $dbconn->GetRow($query); } else { $countriestable = $oostable['countries']; $query = "SELECT countries_name FROM $countriestable WHERE countries_id = '" . intval($countries_id) . "'"; $aCountries = $dbconn->GetRow($query); } } else { $countriestable = $oostable['countries']; $query = "SELECT countries_id, countries_name FROM $countriestable ORDER BY countries_name"; $aCountries = $dbconn->GetAll($query); } return $aCountries; } /** * Returns the country name * * @param $country_id * @return string */ function oos_get_country_name($country_id) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $countriestable = $oostable['countries']; $query = "SELECT countries_name FROM $countriestable WHERE countries_id = '" . intval($country_id) . "'"; $countries_name = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $countries_name; } /** * Returns the zone (State/Province) name * * @param $country_id * @param $zone_id * @param $default_zone * @return string */ function oos_get_zone_name($country_id, $zone_id, $default_zone) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $zonesstable = $oostable['zones']; $query = "SELECT zone_name FROM $zonesstable WHERE zone_country_id = '" . intval($country_id) . "' AND zone_id = '" . intval($zone_id) . "'"; $zone = $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($zone->RecordCount() > 0) { return $zone->fields['zone_name']; } else { return $default_zone; } } /** * Return Campaign Name * * @param $campaigns_id * @param $language * @return string */ function oos_get_campaigns_name($campaigns_id) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $campaignstable = $oostable['campaigns']; $query = "SELECT campaigns_name FROM $campaignstable WHERE campaigns_id = '" . intval($campaigns_id) . "' AND campaigns_languages_id = '" . intval($_SESSION['language_id']) . "'"; $campaigns_name = $dbconn->GetOne($query); return $campaigns_name; } /** * Returns the tax rate for a zone / class * * @param $class_id * @param $country_id * @param $zone_id */ function oos_get_tax_rate($class_id, $country_id = -1, $zone_id = -1) { if (isset($_SESSION['customers_vat_id_status']) && ($_SESSION['customers_vat_id_status'] == 1)) { return 0; } if ( ($country_id == -1) && ($zone_id == -1) ) { if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { $country_id = STORE_COUNTRY; $zone_id = STORE_ZONE; } else { $country_id = $_SESSION['customer_country_id']; $zone_id = $_SESSION['customer_zone_id']; } } // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $tax_ratestable = $oostable['tax_rates']; $geo_zonestable = $oostable['geo_zones']; $zones_to_geo_zonestable = $oostable['zones_to_geo_zones']; $query = "SELECT SUM(tax_rate) AS tax_rate FROM $tax_ratestable tr LEFT JOIN $zones_to_geo_zonestable za ON (tr.tax_zone_id = za.geo_zone_id) LEFT JOIN $geo_zonestable tz ON (tz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id) WHERE (za.zone_country_id is null or za.zone_country_id = '0' OR za.zone_country_id = '" . intval($country_id) . "') AND (za.zone_id is null or za.zone_id = '0' or za.zone_id = '" . intval($zone_id) . "') AND tr.tax_class_id = '" . intval($class_id) . "' GROUP BY tr.tax_priority"; if (USE_DB_CACHE_LEVEL_HIGH == 'true') { $tax_result = $dbconn->CacheExecute(30, $query); } else { $tax_result = $dbconn->Execute($query); } if (!$tax_result) { $_SESSION['tax_excl'] = 1; return 0; } if ($tax_result->RecordCount() > 0) { $tax_multiplier = 0; $_SESSION['tax_excl'] = 0; while ($tax = $tax_result->fields) { $tax_multiplier += $tax['tax_rate']; // Move that ADOdb pointer! $tax_result->MoveNext(); } // Close result set $tax_result->Close(); return $tax_multiplier; } else { $_SESSION['tax_excl'] = 1; return 0; } } /** * Add tax to a products price * * @param $class_id * @param $country_id * @param $zone_id */ function oos_get_tax_description($class_id, $country_id, $zone_id) { global $aLang; // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $tax_ratestable = $oostable['tax_rates']; $geo_zonestable = $oostable['geo_zones']; $zones_to_geo_zonestable = $oostable['zones_to_geo_zones']; $query = "SELECT tax_description FROM $tax_ratestable tr LEFT JOIN $zones_to_geo_zonestable za ON (tr.tax_zone_id = za.geo_zone_id) LEFT JOIN $geo_zonestable tz ON (tz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id) WHERE (za.zone_country_id is null or za.zone_country_id = '0' OR za.zone_country_id = '" . intval($country_id) . "') AND (za.zone_id is null or za.zone_id = '0' OR za.zone_id = '" . intval($zone_id) . "') AND tr.tax_class_id = '" . intval($class_id) . "' ORDER BY tr.tax_priority"; $tax_result = $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($tax_result->RecordCount() > 0) { $tax_description = ''; while ($tax = $tax_result->fields) { $tax_description .= $tax['tax_description'] . ' + '; // Move that ADOdb pointer! $tax_result->MoveNext(); } // Close result set $tax_result->Close(); $tax_description = substr($tax_description, 0, -3); return $tax_description; } else { return $aLang['text_unknown_tax_rate']; } } /** * Add tax to a products price * * @param $price * @param $tax */ function oos_add_tax($price, $tax) { if( ($_SESSION['member']->group['show_price_tax'] == 1) && ($tax > 0) ) { return $price + oos_calculate_tax($price, $tax); } else { return $price; } } /** * Calculates Tax rounding the result * * @param $price * @param $tax */ function oos_calculate_tax($price, $tax) { if ($tax > 0) { return $price * $tax / 100; } else { return 0; } } function oos_get_categories($aCategories = '', $parent_id = '0', $indent = '') { $parent_id = oos_db_prepare_input($parent_id); $nGroupID = intval($_SESSION['member']->group['id']); if (!is_array($aCategories)) $aCategories = array(); // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $nLanguageID = isset($_SESSION['language_id']) ? $_SESSION['language_id']+0 : 1; $categoriestable = $oostable['categories']; $categories_descriptiontable = $oostable['categories_description']; $query = "SELECT c.categories_id, c.categories_status, cd.categories_name FROM $categoriestable c, $categories_descriptiontable cd WHERE ( c.access = '0' OR c.access = '" . intval($nGroupID) . "' ) AND c.categories_status = '1' AND c.parent_id = '" . oos_db_input($parent_id) . "' AND c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND cd.categories_languages_id = '" . intval($nLanguageID) . "' ORDER BY sort_order, cd.categories_name"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); while ($categories = $result->fields) { $aCategories[] = array('id' => $categories['categories_id'], 'text' => $indent . $categories['categories_name']); if ($categories['categories_id'] != $parent_id) { $aCategories = oos_get_categories($aCategories, $categories['categories_id'], $indent . '  '); } // Move that ADOdb pointer! $result->MoveNext(); } // Close result set $result->Close(); return $aCategories; } /** * Recursively go through the categories and retreive all parent categories IDs * * @param $categories * @param $categories_id */ function oos_get_parent_categories(&$categories, $categories_id) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $categoriestable = $oostable['categories']; $query = "SELECT parent_id FROM $categoriestable WHERE categories_id = '" . intval($categories_id) . "'"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); while ($parent_categories = $result->fields) { if ($parent_categories['parent_id'] == 0) return true; $categories[count($categories)] = $parent_categories['parent_id']; if ($parent_categories['parent_id'] != $categories_id) { oos_get_parent_categories($categories, $parent_categories['parent_id']); } // Move that ADOdb pointer! $result->MoveNext(); } // Close result set $result->Close(); } /** * Construct a category path to the product * * @param $products_id * @return string */ function oos_get_product_path($products_id) { $cPath = ''; // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $products_to_categoriestable = $oostable['products_to_categories']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM $products_to_categoriestable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($products_id) . "'"; $cat_count_data = $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($cat_count_data->fields['total'] > 0) { $categories = array(); $products_to_categoriestable = $oostable['products_to_categories']; $query = "SELECT categories_id FROM $products_to_categoriestable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($products_id) . "'"; $cat_id_sql = $dbconn->Execute($query); $cat_id_data = $cat_id_sql->fields; oos_get_parent_categories($categories, $cat_id_data['categories_id']); $size = count($categories)-1; for ($i = $size; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($cPath != '') $cPath .= '_'; $cPath .= $categories[$i]; } if ($cPath != '') $cPath .= '_'; $cPath .= $cat_id_data['categories_id']; } return $cPath; } /** * Return string (without trailing & &) * * @param $sParameters * @return string */ function oos_remove_trailing($sParameters) { if (substr($sParameters, -5) == '&') $sParameters = substr($sParameters, 0, -5); if (substr($sParameters, -1) == '&') $sParameters = substr($sParameters, 0, -1); return $sParameters; } /** * Return a product ID with attributes * * @param $prid * @param $params * @return string */ function oos_get_uprid($prid, $parameters) { if (is_numeric($prid)) { $uprid = $prid; if (is_array($parameters) && (count($parameters) > 0)) { $attributes_check = true; $attributes_ids = ''; reset($parameters); while (list($option, $sValue) = each($parameters)) { if (is_numeric($option) && is_numeric($sValue)) { $attributes_ids .= '{' . intval($option) . '}' . intval($sValue); } elseif (strstr($option, TEXT_PREFIX)) { $text_option = substr($option, strlen(TEXT_PREFIX)); $sLen = strlen($sValue); $attributes_ids .= '{' . intval($text_option) . '}' . intval($sLen); } } if ($attributes_check == true) { $uprid .= $attributes_ids; } } } else { $uprid = oos_get_product_id($prid); if (is_numeric($uprid)) { if (strpos($prid, '{') !== false) { $attributes_check = true; $attributes_ids = ''; // strpos()+1 to remove up to and including the first { which would create an empty array element in explode() $attributes = explode('{', substr($prid, strpos($prid, '{')+1)); for ($i=0, $n=count($attributes); $i<$n; $i++) { $pair = explode('}', $attributes[$i]); if (is_numeric($pair[0]) && is_numeric($pair[1])) { $attributes_ids .= '{' . intval($pair[0]) . '}' . intval($pair[1]); } else { $attributes_check = false; break; } } if ($attributes_check == true) { $uprid .= $attributes_ids; } } } else { return false; } } return $uprid; } /** * send error reporting email to admin * * @author PostNuke Content Management System * @copyright Copyright (C) 2001 by the Post-Nuke Development Team. * @version Revision: 2.0 - changed by Author: r23 on Date: 2004/03/09 06:02:08 * @access private */ function oos_error_reporting_mail() { global $aLang; $sServer = oos_server_get_host(); $sProtocol = oos_server_get_protocol(); $sUri = oos_server_get_var('REQUEST_URI'); $sRemoteIP = oos_server_get_remote(); $email_text = ''; $email_text .= $aLang['error404_email_header'] . "\n\n" . $aLang['error404_email_text'] . ' ' . $remote . ' ' . $aLang['error404_email_date'] . ' ' . strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) . "\n\n"; $email_text .= $aLang['error404_email_uri'] . "\n" . trim($sProtocol . $sServer . $sUri) . "\n\n"; if ($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] != "") { $email_text .= $aLang['error404_email_ref'] . "\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] . "\n\n"; } if (!defined('WEBMASTER_NAME')) { define('WEBMASTER_NAME', STORE_OWNER); } if (!defined('WEBMASTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS')) { define('WEBMASTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); } # Send the mail message. This assumes mail() will work on your system! oos_mail(WEBMASTER_NAME, WEBMASTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $aLang['error404_email_subject'], nl2br($email_text), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '1'); } /** * Check if product has attributes * * @param $products_id * @return boolean */ function oos_has_product_attributes($products_id) { $products_id = oos_get_product_id($products_id); // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $products_attributestable = $oostable['products_attributes']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM $products_attributestable WHERE products_id = '" . intval($products_id) . "'"; $attributes = $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($attributes->fields['total'] > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function oos_count_modules($modules = '') { $nCount = 0; if (empty($modules)) return $nCount; $aModules = split(';', $modules); for ($i=0, $n=count($aModules); $i<$n; $i++) { $class = substr($aModules[$i], 0, strrpos($aModules[$i], '.')); if (is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) { if ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) { $nCount++; } } } return $nCount; } function oos_count_payment_modules() { return oos_count_modules($_SESSION['member']->group['payment']); } function oos_count_shipping_modules() { return oos_count_modules(MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED); } function oos_output_string($sStr, $bTranslate = false, $bProtected = false) { if ($bProtected == true) { return htmlspecialchars($sStr); } else { if ($bTranslate == false) { return oos_parse_input_field_data($sStr, array('"' => '"')); } else { return oos_parse_input_field_data($sStr, $bTranslate); } } } /** * Parse the data used in the html tags to ensure the tags will not break * * @param $data * @param $parse * @return string */ function oos_parse_input_field_data($data, $parse) { return strtr(trim($data), $parse); } /** * Strip forbidden tags * * @param string * @return string */ function oos_remove_tags($source) { $allowedTags = '

  • '; $source = strip_tags($source, $allowedTags); return $source; } /** * Replace international chars * * @param string * @return string */ function oos_replace_chars ($sStr) { return oos_make_filename($sStr); } /** * Checks to see if the currency code exists as a currency */ function oos_currency_exits($code) { // Get database information $dbconn =& oosDBGetConn(); $oostable =& oosDBGetTables(); $currenciestable = $oostable['currencies']; $query = "SELECT currencies_id FROM $currenciestable WHERE code = '" . oos_db_input($code) . "'"; $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { return $code; } else { return false; } } /** * Checks to see if the tempalte exists */ function oos_template_exits($sStr) { $sDir = OOS_TEMP_PATH; if (substr($sDir, -1) != "/") { $sDir = $dir."/"; } $sDir .= 'shop/'; if (file_exists($sDir . 'templates/' . oos_var_prep_for_os($sStr) . '/theme.html')) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return secure string * * @param $sStr * @return string */ function oos_string_to_int($sStr) { return intval($sStr); } /** * Return $aFilename */ function oos_get_filename() { GLOBAL $aFilename; return $aFilename; } /** * Return $aModules */ function oos_get_modules() { GLOBAL $aModules; return $aModules; } /** * Parse and secure the cPath parameter values * * @param $cPath * @return array */ function oos_parse_category_path($cPath) { // make sure the category IDs are integers $aCategoryPath = array_map('oos_string_to_int', explode('_', $cPath)); // make sure no duplicate category IDs exist which could lock the server in a loop $aTmp = array(); for ($i=0, $n=count($aCategoryPath); $i<$n; $i++) { if (!in_array($aCategoryPath[$i], $aTmp)) { $aTmp[] = $aCategoryPath[$i]; } } return $aTmp; } /** * Return File Extension * * @param $filename * @return string */ function oos_get_extension($filename) { $filename = strtolower($filename); $extension = split("[/\\.]", $filename); $n = count($extension)-1; $extension = $extension[$n]; return $extension; } /** * Strip non-alpha & non-numeric except ._-: * * @param $sStr * @return string */ function oos_strip_all ($sStr) { $sStr =& trim($sStr); $sStr =& strtolower($sStr); return ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:]._-]", "", $sStr); } /** * Mail function (uses phpMailer) */ function oos_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) { global $oEvent; if (!$oEvent->installed_plugin('mail')) return false; if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $to_name)) return false; if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $to_email_address)) return false; if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $email_subject)) return false; if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $from_email_name)) return false; if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $from_email_address)) return false; $sLang = (isset($_SESSION['iso_639_1']) ? $_SESSION['iso_639_1'] : 'en'); // Instantiate a new mail object $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->PluginDir = OOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'includes/classes/thirdparty/phpmailer/'; $mail->SetLanguage( $sLang, OOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'includes/classes/thirdparty/phpmailer/language/' ); $mail->CharSet = CHARSET; $mail->IsMail(); $mail->From = $from_email_address ? $from_email_address : STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS; $mail->FromName = $from_email_name ? $from_email_name : STORE_OWNER; $mail->Mailer = EMAIL_TRANSPORT; // Add smtp values if needed if ( EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp' ) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP $mail->SMTPAuth = OOS_SMTPAUTH; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = OOS_SMTPUSER; // SMTP username $mail->Password = OOS_SMTPPASS; // SMTP password $mail->Host = OOS_SMTPHOST; // specify main and backup server } else // Set sendmail path if ( EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail' ) { if (!oos_empty(OOS_SENDMAIL)) { $mail->Sendmail = OOS_SENDMAIL; $mail->IsSendmail(); } } $mail->AddAddress($to_email_address, $to_name); $mail->Subject = $email_subject; // Build the text version $text = strip_tags($email_text); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = $email_text; $mail->AltBody = $text; } else { $mail->Body = $text; } // Send message $mail->Send(); } ?>