
Unable to determine connection method on a link!

Known methods: NONSSL SSL

'); } if (oos_is_not_null($parameters)) { $link .= 'index.php?mp=' . $modul . '&file=' . $page . '&' . oos_output_string($parameters); } else { $link .= 'index.php?mp=' . $modul . '&file=' . $page; } $separator = '&'; while ( (substr($link, -5) == '&') || (substr($link, -1) == '?') ) { if (substr($link, -1) == '?') { $link = substr($link, 0, -1); } else { $link = substr($link, 0, -5); } } // Add the session ID when moving from HTTP and HTTPS servers or when SID is defined if ( (ENABLE_SSL == 'true' ) && ($connection == 'SSL') && ($add_session_id == true) ) { $_sid = oos_session_name() . '=' . oos_session_id(); } elseif ( ($add_session_id == true) && (oos_is_not_null(SID)) ) { $_sid = SID; } if ( $spider_flag === false) $_sid = NULL; if ( ($search_engine_safe == true) && $oEvent->installed_plugin('sefu') ) { $link = str_replace(array('?', '&', '='), '/', $link); $separator = '?'; $pos = strpos ($link, 'action'); if ($pos === false) { $url_rewrite = new url_rewrite; $link = $url_rewrite->transform_uri($link); } } if (isset($_sid)) { $link .= $separator . oos_output_string($_sid); } return $link; } /** * The HTML image wrapper function * * @param $src * @param $title * @param $width * @param $height * @param $parameters * @return string */ function oos_image($src, $title = null, $width = 0, $height = 0, $parameters = null) { if ( (empty($src) || ($src == OOS_IMAGES)) && (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') ) { return false; } if (!is_numeric($width)) { $width = 0; } if (!is_numeric($height)) { $height = 0; } $image = '' . oos_output_string($title) . ' 0) { $image .= ' width="' . (int)$width . '"'; } if ($height > 0) { $image .= ' height="' . (int)$height . '"'; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $image .= ' ' . oos_output_string($parameters); } $image .= ' />'; return $image; } /** * Output a function button in the selected language * * @param $image * @param $alt * @param $parameters * @return string */ function oos_image_button($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') { $sTheme = oos_var_prep_for_os($_SESSION['theme']); $sLanguage = oos_var_prep_for_os($_SESSION['language']); return oos_image('themes/' . $sTheme . '/images/buttons/' . $sLanguage . '/' . $image, $alt, '', '', $parameters); } /** * The HTML form submit button wrapper function * Outputs a button in the selected language * * @param $image * @param $alt * @param $parameters * @return string */ function oos_image_submit($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') { $sTheme = oos_var_prep_for_os($_SESSION['theme']); $sLanguage = oos_var_prep_for_os($_SESSION['language']); return ''; } /** * @return string */ function oos_image_swap($id, $src, $alt = '', $width = '', $height = '', $params = '') { $image = '' . $alt . ' 0) { $field .= ' value="' . oos_output_string($field_value) . '"'; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $field .= ' ' . $parameters; } $field .= ' />'; return $field; } /** * Output a selection field - alias function for oos_draw_checkbox_field() and oos_draw_radio_field() * * @param $name * @param $type * @param $value * @param $checked * @param $parameters * @return string */ function oos_draw_select_field($name, $type, $value = '', $checked = false, $parameters = '') { $selection = ' '"')) . '" name="' . oos_parse_input_field_data($name, array('"' => '"')) . '"'; if (oos_is_not_null($value)) $selection .= ' value="' . oos_parse_input_field_data($value, array('"' => '"')) . '"'; if ( ($checked === true) || ( isset($GLOBALS[$name]) && is_string($GLOBALS[$name]) && ( ($GLOBALS[$name] == 'on') || (isset($value) && (stripslashes($GLOBALS[$name]) == $value)) ) ) ) { $selection .= ' checked="checked"'; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $selection .= ' ' . $parameters; } $selection .= ' />'; return $selection; } /** * Output a form checkbox field * * @param $name * @param $value * @param $checked * @param $parameters */ function oos_draw_checkbox_field($name, $value = '', $checked = false, $parameters = '') { return oos_draw_select_field($name, 'checkbox', $value, $checked, $parameters); } /** * Output a form radio field * * @param $name * @param $value * @param $checked * @param $parameters */ function oos_draw_radio_field($name, $value = '', $checked = false, $parameters = '') { return oos_draw_select_field($name, 'radio', $value, $checked, $parameters); } /** * Output a form hidden field * * @param $name * @param $value * @param $parameters */ function oos_draw_hidden_field($name, $value = '', $parameters = '') { if (empty($value)) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $value = $_GET[$name]; } elseif (isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $_POST[$name]; } } $field = ' 0)) { reset($_GET); while (list($sKey, $sValue) = each($_GET)) { if (strlen($sValue) > 0) { if ( ($sKey != oos_session_name()) && ($sKey != 'error') && ($sKey != 'p') && ($sKey != 'rewrite') && ($sKey != 'c') && ($sKey != 'm') && ($sKey != 'mp') && ($sKey != 'file') && ($sKey != 'index.php') && ($sKey != 'history_back') && (!in_array($sKey, $aExclude)) && ($sKey != 'x') && ($sKey != 'y') ) { $sField .= ''; } } } } return $sField; } /** * Output a form pull down menu * * @param $$name * @param $values * @param $default * @param $parameters * @param $required */ function oos_draw_pull_down_menu($name, $values, $default = '', $parameters = '', $required = false) { $field = ''; if ($required == true) $field .= TEXT_FIELD_REQUIRED; return $field; } function decode(&$data, $force = true) { if ($force === false && (CHARSET == 'ISO-8859-15' || CHARSET == 'UTF-8')) { return $data; } switch (strtolower(CHARSET)) { case 'utf-8': // The file is UTF-8 format. No changes needed. break; case 'iso-8859-15': $data = utf8_decode($data); break; default: if (function_exists('iconv')) { $data = iconv('UTF-8', CHARSET, $data); } elseif (function_exists('recode')) { $data = recode('utf-8..' . CHARSET, $data); } break; } return $data; } ?>