C:/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-postgres7.inc.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
2 /*
3  V5.19dev ??-???-2014 (c) 2000-2014 John Lim (jlim#natsoft.com). All rights reserved.
4  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
5  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
6  the BSD license will take precedence.
7  Set tabs to 4.
9  Postgres7 support.
10  28 Feb 2001: Currently indicate that we support LIMIT
11  01 Dec 2001: dannym added support for default values
12 */
14 // security - hide paths
15 if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
17 include_once(ADODB_DIR."/drivers/adodb-postgres64.inc.php");
20  var $databaseType = 'postgres7';
21  var $hasLimit = true; // set to true for pgsql 6.5+ only. support pgsql/mysql SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 10
22  var $ansiOuter = true;
23  var $charSet = true; //set to true for Postgres 7 and above - PG client supports encodings
24  // Richard 3/18/2012 - Modified SQL to return SERIAL type correctly AS old driver no longer return SERIAL as data type.
26  "SELECT a.attname,
27  CASE
28  WHEN x.sequence_name != '' THEN 'SERIAL'
29  ELSE t.typname
30  END AS typname,
31  a.attlen,a.atttypmod,a.attnotnull,a.atthasdef,a.attnum
32  FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
33  JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
35  (SELECT c.relname as sequence_name,
36  c1.relname as related_table,
37  a.attname as related_column
38  FROM pg_class c
39  JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = c.oid
40  LEFT JOIN pg_class c1 ON d.refobjid = c1.oid
41  LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON (d.refobjid, d.refobjsubid) = (a.attrelid, a.attnum)
42  WHERE c.relkind = 'S' AND c1.relname = '%s') x
43  ON x.related_column= a.attname
44  WHERE c.relkind in ('r','v') AND
45  (c.relname='%s' or c.relname = lower('%s')) AND
46  a.attname not like '....%%' AND
47  a.attnum > 0 AND
48  a.attrelid = c.oid
49  ORDER BY a.attnum";
51  // used when schema defined
53  SELECT a.attname,
54  CASE
55  WHEN x.sequence_name != '' THEN 'SERIAL'
56  ELSE t.typname
57  END AS typname,
58  a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, a.attnum
59  FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n, pg_attribute a
60  JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
62  (SELECT c.relname as sequence_name,
63  c1.relname as related_table,
64  a.attname as related_column
65  FROM pg_class c
66  JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = c.oid
67  LEFT JOIN pg_class c1 ON d.refobjid = c1.oid
68  LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON (d.refobjid, d.refobjsubid) = (a.attrelid, a.attnum)
69  WHERE c.relkind = 'S' AND c1.relname = '%s') x
70  ON x.related_column= a.attname
71  WHERE c.relkind in ('r','v') AND (c.relname='%s' or c.relname = lower('%s'))
72  AND c.relnamespace=n.oid and n.nspname='%s'
73  AND a.attname not like '....%%' AND a.attnum > 0
74  AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid
75  ORDER BY a.attnum";
78  function ADODB_postgres7()
79  {
80  $this->ADODB_postgres64();
81  if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE !== 2) {
82  $this->rsPrefix .= 'assoc_';
83  }
84  $this->_bindInputArray = PHP_VERSION >= 5.1;
85  }
88  // the following should be compat with postgresql 7.2,
89  // which makes obsolete the LIMIT limit,offset syntax
90  function SelectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0)
91  {
92  $offsetStr = ($offset >= 0) ? " OFFSET ".((integer)$offset) : '';
93  $limitStr = ($nrows >= 0) ? " LIMIT ".((integer)$nrows) : '';
94  if ($secs2cache)
95  $rs = $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql."$limitStr$offsetStr",$inputarr);
96  else
97  $rs = $this->Execute($sql."$limitStr$offsetStr",$inputarr);
99  return $rs;
100  }
101  /*
102  function Prepare($sql)
103  {
104  $info = $this->ServerInfo();
105  if ($info['version']>=7.3) {
106  return array($sql,false);
107  }
108  return $sql;
109  }
110  */
112  /*
113  I discovered that the MetaForeignKeys method no longer worked for Postgres 8.3.
114  I went ahead and modified it to work for both 8.2 and 8.3.
115  Please feel free to include this change in your next release of adodb.
116  William Kolodny [William.Kolodny#gt-t.net]
117  */
118  function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false)
119  {
120  $sql="
121  SELECT fum.ftblname AS lookup_table, split_part(fum.rf, ')'::text, 1) AS lookup_field,
122  fum.ltable AS dep_table, split_part(fum.lf, ')'::text, 1) AS dep_field
123  FROM (
124  SELECT fee.ltable, fee.ftblname, fee.consrc, split_part(fee.consrc,'('::text, 2) AS lf,
125  split_part(fee.consrc, '('::text, 3) AS rf
126  FROM (
127  SELECT foo.relname AS ltable, foo.ftblname,
128  pg_get_constraintdef(foo.oid) AS consrc
129  FROM (
130  SELECT c.oid, c.conname AS name, t.relname, ft.relname AS ftblname
131  FROM pg_constraint c
132  JOIN pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid)
133  JOIN pg_class ft ON (ft.oid = c.confrelid)
134  JOIN pg_namespace nft ON (nft.oid = ft.relnamespace)
135  LEFT JOIN pg_description ds ON (ds.objoid = c.oid)
136  JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace)
137  WHERE c.contype = 'f'::\"char\"
138  ORDER BY t.relname, n.nspname, c.conname, c.oid
139  ) foo
140  ) fee) fum
141  WHERE fum.ltable='".strtolower($table)."'
142  ORDER BY fum.ftblname, fum.ltable, split_part(fum.lf, ')'::text, 1)
143  ";
144  $rs = $this->Execute($sql);
146  if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) return false;
148  $a = array();
149  while (!$rs->EOF) {
150  if ($upper) {
151  $a[strtoupper($rs->Fields('lookup_table'))][] = strtoupper(str_replace('"','',$rs->Fields('dep_field').'='.$rs->Fields('lookup_field')));
152  } else {
153  $a[$rs->Fields('lookup_table')][] = str_replace('"','',$rs->Fields('dep_field').'='.$rs->Fields('lookup_field'));
154  }
155  $rs->MoveNext();
156  }
158  return $a;
160  }
162  // from Edward Jaramilla, improved version - works on pg 7.4
163  function _old_MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false)
164  {
165  $sql = 'SELECT t.tgargs as args
166  FROM
167  pg_trigger t,pg_class c,pg_proc p
168  WHERE
169  t.tgenabled AND
170  t.tgrelid = c.oid AND
171  t.tgfoid = p.oid AND
172  p.proname = \'RI_FKey_check_ins\' AND
173  c.relname = \''.strtolower($table).'\'
175  t.tgrelid';
177  $rs = $this->Execute($sql);
179  if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) return false;
181  $arr = $rs->GetArray();
182  $a = array();
183  foreach($arr as $v) {
184  $data = explode(chr(0), $v['args']);
185  $size = count($data)-1; //-1 because the last node is empty
186  for($i = 4; $i < $size; $i++) {
187  if ($upper)
188  $a[strtoupper($data[2])][] = strtoupper($data[$i].'='.$data[++$i]);
189  else
190  $a[$data[2]][] = $data[$i].'='.$data[++$i];
191  }
192  }
193  return $a;
194  }
196  function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)
197  {
198  if (! $this->_bindInputArray) {
199  // We don't have native support for parameterized queries, so let's emulate it at the parent
200  return ADODB_postgres64::_query($sql, $inputarr);
201  }
203  $this->_pnum = 0;
204  $this->_errorMsg = false;
205  // -- added Cristiano da Cunha Duarte
206  if ($inputarr) {
207  $sqlarr = explode('?',trim($sql));
208  $sql = '';
209  $i = 1;
210  $last = sizeof($sqlarr)-1;
211  foreach($sqlarr as $v) {
212  if ($last < $i) $sql .= $v;
213  else $sql .= $v.' $'.$i;
214  $i++;
215  }
217  $rez = pg_query_params($this->_connectionID,$sql, $inputarr);
218  } else {
219  $rez = pg_query($this->_connectionID,$sql);
220  }
221  // check if no data returned, then no need to create real recordset
222  if ($rez && pg_numfields($rez) <= 0) {
223  if (is_resource($this->_resultid) && get_resource_type($this->_resultid) === 'pgsql result') {
224  pg_freeresult($this->_resultid);
225  }
226  $this->_resultid = $rez;
227  return true;
228  }
229  return $rez;
230  }
232  // this is a set of functions for managing client encoding - very important if the encodings
233  // of your database and your output target (i.e. HTML) don't match
234  //for instance, you may have UNICODE database and server it on-site as WIN1251 etc.
235  // GetCharSet - get the name of the character set the client is using now
236  // the functions should work with Postgres 7.0 and above, the set of charsets supported
237  // depends on compile flags of postgres distribution - if no charsets were compiled into the server
238  // it will return 'SQL_ANSI' always
239  function GetCharSet()
240  {
241  //we will use ADO's builtin property charSet
242  $this->charSet = @pg_client_encoding($this->_connectionID);
243  if (!$this->charSet) {
244  return false;
245  } else {
246  return $this->charSet;
247  }
248  }
250  // SetCharSet - switch the client encoding
251  function SetCharSet($charset_name)
252  {
253  $this->GetCharSet();
254  if ($this->charSet !== $charset_name) {
255  $if = pg_set_client_encoding($this->_connectionID, $charset_name);
256  if ($if == "0" & $this->GetCharSet() == $charset_name) {
257  return true;
258  } else return false;
259  } else return true;
260  }
262 }
264 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265  Class Name: Recordset
266 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
270  var $databaseType = "postgres7";
273  function ADORecordSet_postgres7($queryID,$mode=false)
274  {
275  $this->ADORecordSet_postgres64($queryID,$mode);
276  }
278  // 10% speedup to move MoveNext to child class
279  function MoveNext()
280  {
281  if (!$this->EOF) {
282  $this->_currentRow++;
283  if ($this->_numOfRows < 0 || $this->_numOfRows > $this->_currentRow) {
284  $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode);
286  if (is_array($this->fields)) {
287  if ($this->fields && isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs();
288  return true;
289  }
290  }
291  $this->fields = false;
292  $this->EOF = true;
293  }
294  return false;
295  }
297 }
301  var $databaseType = "postgres7";
304  function ADORecordSet_assoc_postgres7($queryID,$mode=false)
305  {
306  $this->ADORecordSet_postgres64($queryID,$mode);
307  }
309  function _fetch()
310  {
311  if ($this->_currentRow >= $this->_numOfRows && $this->_numOfRows >= 0)
312  return false;
314  $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode);
316  if ($this->fields) {
317  if (isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs();
318  $this->_updatefields();
319  }
321  return (is_array($this->fields));
322  }
324  // Create associative array
325  function _updatefields()
326  {
327  if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 2) return; // native
329  $arr = array();
330  $lowercase = (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0);
332  foreach($this->fields as $k => $v) {
333  if (is_integer($k)) $arr[$k] = $v;
334  else {
335  if ($lowercase)
336  $arr[strtolower($k)] = $v;
337  else
338  $arr[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
339  }
340  }
341  $this->fields = $arr;
342  }
344  function MoveNext()
345  {
346  if (!$this->EOF) {
347  $this->_currentRow++;
348  if ($this->_numOfRows < 0 || $this->_numOfRows > $this->_currentRow) {
349  $this->fields = @pg_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->_currentRow,$this->fetchMode);
351  if (is_array($this->fields)) {
352  if ($this->fields) {
353  if (isset($this->_blobArr)) $this->_fixblobs();
355  $this->_updatefields();
356  }
357  return true;
358  }
359  }
362  $this->fields = false;
363  $this->EOF = true;
364  }
365  return false;
366  }
367 }
368 ?>

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