HTMLPurifier/ContentSets.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
7 {
13  public $info = array();
20  public $lookup = array();
26  protected $keys = array();
31  protected $values = array();
38  public function __construct($modules)
39  {
40  if (!is_array($modules)) {
41  $modules = array($modules);
42  }
43  // populate content_sets based on module hints
44  // sorry, no way of overloading
45  foreach ($modules as $module) {
46  foreach ($module->content_sets as $key => $value) {
47  $temp = $this->convertToLookup($value);
48  if (isset($this->lookup[$key])) {
49  // add it into the existing content set
50  $this->lookup[$key] = array_merge($this->lookup[$key], $temp);
51  } else {
52  $this->lookup[$key] = $temp;
53  }
54  }
55  }
56  $old_lookup = false;
57  while ($old_lookup !== $this->lookup) {
58  $old_lookup = $this->lookup;
59  foreach ($this->lookup as $i => $set) {
60  $add = array();
61  foreach ($set as $element => $x) {
62  if (isset($this->lookup[$element])) {
63  $add += $this->lookup[$element];
64  unset($this->lookup[$i][$element]);
65  }
66  }
67  $this->lookup[$i] += $add;
68  }
69  }
71  foreach ($this->lookup as $key => $lookup) {
72  $this->info[$key] = implode(' | ', array_keys($lookup));
73  }
74  $this->keys = array_keys($this->info);
75  $this->values = array_values($this->info);
76  }
83  public function generateChildDef(&$def, $module)
84  {
85  if (!empty($def->child)) { // already done!
86  return;
87  }
88  $content_model = $def->content_model;
89  if (is_string($content_model)) {
90  // Assume that $this->keys is alphanumeric
91  $def->content_model = preg_replace_callback(
92  '/\b(' . implode('|', $this->keys) . ')\b/',
93  array($this, 'generateChildDefCallback'),
94  $content_model
95  );
96  //$def->content_model = str_replace(
97  // $this->keys, $this->values, $content_model);
98  }
99  $def->child = $this->getChildDef($def, $module);
100  }
102  public function generateChildDefCallback($matches)
103  {
104  return $this->info[$matches[0]];
105  }
116  public function getChildDef($def, $module)
117  {
118  $value = $def->content_model;
119  if (is_object($value)) {
120  trigger_error(
121  'Literal object child definitions should be stored in '.
122  'ElementDef->child not ElementDef->content_model',
124  );
125  return $value;
126  }
127  switch ($def->content_model_type) {
128  case 'required':
129  return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required($value);
130  case 'optional':
131  return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional($value);
132  case 'empty':
133  return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Empty();
134  case 'custom':
135  return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom($value);
136  }
137  // defer to its module
138  $return = false;
139  if ($module->defines_child_def) { // save a func call
140  $return = $module->getChildDef($def);
141  }
142  if ($return !== false) {
143  return $return;
144  }
145  // error-out
146  trigger_error(
147  'Could not determine which ChildDef class to instantiate',
149  );
150  return false;
151  }
159  protected function convertToLookup($string)
160  {
161  $array = explode('|', str_replace(' ', '', $string));
162  $ret = array();
163  foreach ($array as $k) {
164  $ret[$k] = true;
165  }
166  return $ret;
167  }
168 }
170 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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