HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
7 {
11  public $name = 'Forms';
16  public $safe = false;
21  public $content_sets = array(
22  'Block' => 'Form',
23  'Inline' => 'Formctrl',
24  );
29  public function setup($config)
30  {
31  $form = $this->addElement(
32  'form',
33  'Form',
34  'Required: Heading | List | Block | fieldset',
35  'Common',
36  array(
37  'accept' => 'ContentTypes',
38  'accept-charset' => 'Charsets',
39  'action*' => 'URI',
40  'method' => 'Enum#get,post',
41  // really ContentType, but these two are the only ones used today
42  'enctype' => 'Enum#application/x-www-form-urlencoded,multipart/form-data',
43  )
44  );
45  $form->excludes = array('form' => true);
47  $input = $this->addElement(
48  'input',
49  'Formctrl',
50  'Empty',
51  'Common',
52  array(
53  'accept' => 'ContentTypes',
54  'accesskey' => 'Character',
55  'alt' => 'Text',
56  'checked' => 'Bool#checked',
57  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
58  'maxlength' => 'Number',
59  'name' => 'CDATA',
60  'readonly' => 'Bool#readonly',
61  'size' => 'Number',
62  'src' => 'URI#embedded',
63  'tabindex' => 'Number',
64  'type' => 'Enum#text,password,checkbox,button,radio,submit,reset,file,hidden,image',
65  'value' => 'CDATA',
66  )
67  );
68  $input->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Input();
70  $this->addElement(
71  'select',
72  'Formctrl',
73  'Required: optgroup | option',
74  'Common',
75  array(
76  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
77  'multiple' => 'Bool#multiple',
78  'name' => 'CDATA',
79  'size' => 'Number',
80  'tabindex' => 'Number',
81  )
82  );
84  $this->addElement(
85  'option',
86  false,
87  'Optional: #PCDATA',
88  'Common',
89  array(
90  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
91  'label' => 'Text',
92  'selected' => 'Bool#selected',
93  'value' => 'CDATA',
94  )
95  );
96  // It's illegal for there to be more than one selected, but not
97  // be multiple. Also, no selected means undefined behavior. This might
98  // be difficult to implement; perhaps an injector, or a context variable.
100  $textarea = $this->addElement(
101  'textarea',
102  'Formctrl',
103  'Optional: #PCDATA',
104  'Common',
105  array(
106  'accesskey' => 'Character',
107  'cols*' => 'Number',
108  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
109  'name' => 'CDATA',
110  'readonly' => 'Bool#readonly',
111  'rows*' => 'Number',
112  'tabindex' => 'Number',
113  )
114  );
115  $textarea->attr_transform_pre[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Textarea();
117  $button = $this->addElement(
118  'button',
119  'Formctrl',
120  'Optional: #PCDATA | Heading | List | Block | Inline',
121  'Common',
122  array(
123  'accesskey' => 'Character',
124  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
125  'name' => 'CDATA',
126  'tabindex' => 'Number',
127  'type' => 'Enum#button,submit,reset',
128  'value' => 'CDATA',
129  )
130  );
132  // For exclusions, ideally we'd specify content sets, not literal elements
133  $button->excludes = $this->makeLookup(
134  'form',
135  'fieldset', // Form
136  'input',
137  'select',
138  'textarea',
139  'label',
140  'button', // Formctrl
141  'a', // as per HTML 4.01 spec, this is omitted by modularization
142  'isindex',
143  'iframe' // legacy items
144  );
146  // Extra exclusion: img usemap="" is not permitted within this element.
147  // We'll omit this for now, since we don't have any good way of
148  // indicating it yet.
150  // This is HIGHLY user-unfriendly; we need a custom child-def for this
151  $this->addElement('fieldset', 'Form', 'Custom: (#WS?,legend,(Flow|#PCDATA)*)', 'Common');
153  $label = $this->addElement(
154  'label',
155  'Formctrl',
156  'Optional: #PCDATA | Inline',
157  'Common',
158  array(
159  'accesskey' => 'Character',
160  // 'for' => 'IDREF', // IDREF not implemented, cannot allow
161  )
162  );
163  $label->excludes = array('label' => true);
165  $this->addElement(
166  'legend',
167  false,
168  'Optional: #PCDATA | Inline',
169  'Common',
170  array(
171  'accesskey' => 'Character',
172  )
173  );
175  $this->addElement(
176  'optgroup',
177  false,
178  'Required: option',
179  'Common',
180  array(
181  'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
182  'label*' => 'Text',
183  )
184  );
185  // Don't forget an injector for <isindex>. This one's a little complex
186  // because it maps to multiple elements.
187  }
188 }
190 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

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