Auth_OpenID_Parse Klassenreferenz

Öffentliche Methoden

 Auth_OpenID_Parse ()
 tagMatcher ($tag_name, $close_tags=null)
 openTag ($tag_name)
 closeTag ($tag_name)
 htmlBegin ($s)
 htmlEnd ($s)
 headFind ()
 replaceEntities ($str)
 removeQuotes ($str)
 parseLinkAttrs ($html)
 relMatches ($rel_attr, $target_rel)
 linkHasRel ($link_attrs, $target_rel)
 findLinksRel ($link_attrs_list, $target_rel)
 findFirstHref ($link_attrs_list, $target_rel)


 $_re_flags = "si"
 $_tag_expr = "<%s\b(?!:)([^>]*?)(?:\/>|>(.*?)(?:<\/?%s\s*>|\Z))"
 $_attr_find = '\b(\w+)=("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\'"\s\/<>]+)'
 $_open_tag_expr = "<%s\b"
 $_close_tag_expr = "<((\/%s\b)|(%s[^>\/]*\/))>"

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Require Auth_OpenID::arrayGet().

Definiert in Zeile 87 der Datei Parse.php.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

Definiert in Zeile 111 der Datei Parse.php.

00112     {
00113         $this->_link_find = sprintf("/<link\b(?!:)([^>]*)(?!<)>/%s",
00114                                     $this->_re_flags);
00116         $this->_entity_replacements = array(
00117                                             'amp' => '&',
00118                                             'lt' => '<',
00119                                             'gt' => '>',
00120                                             'quot' => '"'
00121                                             );
00123         $this->_attr_find = sprintf("/%s/%s",
00124                                     $this->_attr_find,
00125                                     $this->_re_flags);
00127         $this->_removed_re = sprintf("/%s/%s",
00128                                      $this->_removed_re,
00129                                      $this->_re_flags);
00131         $this->_ent_replace =
00132             sprintf("&(%s);", implode("|",
00133                                       $this->_entity_replacements));
00134     }

closeTag ( tag_name  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 161 der Datei Parse.php.

00162     {
00163         $expr = sprintf($this->_close_tag_expr, $tag_name, $tag_name);
00164         return sprintf("/%s/%s", $expr, $this->_re_flags);
00165     }

findFirstHref ( link_attrs_list,

Definiert in Zeile 318 der Datei Parse.php.

00319     {
00320         // Return the value of the href attribute for the first link
00321         // tag in the list that has target_rel as a relationship.
00322         // XXX: TESTME
00323         $matches = $this->findLinksRel($link_attrs_list,
00324                                        $target_rel);
00325         if (!$matches) {
00326             return null;
00327         }
00328         $first = $matches[0];
00329         return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($first, 'href', null);
00330     }

findLinksRel ( link_attrs_list,

Definiert in Zeile 303 der Datei Parse.php.

00304     {
00305         // Filter the list of link attributes on whether it has
00306         // target_rel as a relationship.
00307         // XXX: TESTME
00308         $result = array();
00309         foreach ($link_attrs_list as $attr) {
00310             if ($this->linkHasRel($attr, $target_rel)) {
00311                 $result[] = $attr;
00312             }
00313         }
00315         return $result;
00316     }

headFind (  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 191 der Datei Parse.php.

00192     {
00193         return $this->tagMatcher('head', array('body', 'html'));
00194     }

htmlBegin ( s  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 167 der Datei Parse.php.

00168     {
00169         $matches = array();
00170         $result = preg_match($this->openTag('html'), $s,
00171                              $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
00172         if ($result === false || !$matches) {
00173             return false;
00174         }
00175         // Return the offset of the first match.
00176         return $matches[0][1];
00177     }

htmlEnd ( s  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 179 der Datei Parse.php.

00180     {
00181         $matches = array();
00182         $result = preg_match($this->closeTag('html'), $s,
00183                              $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
00184         if ($result === false || !$matches) {
00185             return false;
00186         }
00187         // Return the offset of the first match.
00188         return $matches[count($matches) - 1][1];
00189     }

linkHasRel ( link_attrs,

Definiert in Zeile 294 der Datei Parse.php.

00295     {
00296         // Does this link have target_rel as a relationship?
00297         // XXX: TESTME
00298         $rel_attr = Auth_OpeniD::arrayGet($link_attrs, 'rel', null);
00299         return ($rel_attr && $this->relMatches($rel_attr,
00300                                                $target_rel));
00301     }

openTag ( tag_name  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 155 der Datei Parse.php.

00156     {
00157         $expr = sprintf($this->_open_tag_expr, $tag_name);
00158         return sprintf("/%s/%s", $expr, $this->_re_flags);
00159     }

parseLinkAttrs ( html  ) 

Find all link tags in a string representing a HTML document and return a list of their attributes.

string $html The text to parse
array $list An array of arrays of attributes, one for each link tag

Definiert in Zeile 227 der Datei Parse.php.

00228     {
00229         $stripped = preg_replace($this->_removed_re,
00230                                  "",
00231                                  $html);
00233         $html_begin = $this->htmlBegin($stripped);
00234         $html_end = $this->htmlEnd($stripped);
00236         if ($html_begin === false) {
00237             return array();
00238         }
00240         if ($html_end === false) {
00241             $html_end = strlen($stripped);
00242         }
00244         $stripped = substr($stripped, $html_begin,
00245                            $html_end - $html_begin);
00247         // Try to find the <HEAD> tag.
00248         $head_re = $this->headFind();
00249         $head_matches = array();
00250         if (!preg_match($head_re, $stripped, $head_matches)) {
00251             return array();
00252         }
00254         $link_data = array();
00255         $link_matches = array();
00257         if (!preg_match_all($this->_link_find, $head_matches[0],
00258                             $link_matches)) {
00259             return array();
00260         }
00262         foreach ($link_matches[0] as $link) {
00263             $attr_matches = array();
00264             preg_match_all($this->_attr_find, $link, $attr_matches);
00265             $link_attrs = array();
00266             foreach ($attr_matches[0] as $index => $full_match) {
00267                 $name = $attr_matches[1][$index];
00268                 $value = $this->replaceEntities(
00269                               $this->removeQuotes($attr_matches[2][$index]));
00271                 $link_attrs[strtolower($name)] = $value;
00272             }
00273             $link_data[] = $link_attrs;
00274         }
00276         return $link_data;
00277     }

relMatches ( rel_attr,

Definiert in Zeile 279 der Datei Parse.php.

00280     {
00281         // Does this target_rel appear in the rel_str?
00282         // XXX: TESTME
00283         $rels = preg_split("/\s+/", trim($rel_attr));
00284         foreach ($rels as $rel) {
00285             $rel = strtolower($rel);
00286             if ($rel == $target_rel) {
00287                 return 1;
00288             }
00289         }
00291         return 0;
00292     }

removeQuotes ( str  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 204 der Datei Parse.php.

00205     {
00206         $matches = array();
00207         $double = '/^"(.*)"$/';
00208         $single = "/^\'(.*)\'$/";
00210         if (preg_match($double, $str, $matches)) {
00211             return $matches[1];
00212         } else if (preg_match($single, $str, $matches)) {
00213             return $matches[1];
00214         } else {
00215             return $str;
00216         }
00217     }

replaceEntities ( str  ) 

Definiert in Zeile 196 der Datei Parse.php.

00197     {
00198         foreach ($this->_entity_replacements as $old => $new) {
00199             $str = preg_replace(sprintf("/&%s;/", $old), $new, $str);
00200         }
00201         return $str;
00202     }

tagMatcher ( tag_name,
close_tags = null 

Returns a regular expression that will match a given tag in an SGML string.

Definiert in Zeile 140 der Datei Parse.php.

00141     {
00142         $expr = $this->_tag_expr;
00144         if ($close_tags) {
00145             $options = implode("|", array_merge(array($tag_name), $close_tags));
00146             $closer = sprintf("(?:%s)", $options);
00147         } else {
00148             $closer = $tag_name;
00149         }
00151         $expr = sprintf($expr, $tag_name, $closer);
00152         return sprintf("/%s/%s", $expr, $this->_re_flags);
00153     }

Dokumentation der Datenelemente

$_attr_find = '\b(\w+)=("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\'"\s\/<>]+)'

Definiert in Zeile 106 der Datei Parse.php.

$_close_tag_expr = "<((\/%s\b)|(%s[^>\/]*\/))>"

Definiert in Zeile 109 der Datei Parse.php.

$_open_tag_expr = "<%s\b"

Definiert in Zeile 108 der Datei Parse.php.

$_re_flags = "si"

Specify some flags for use with regex matching.

Definiert in Zeile 92 der Datei Parse.php.



Stuff to remove before we start looking for tags

Definiert in Zeile 97 der Datei Parse.php.

$_tag_expr = "<%s\b(?!:)([^>]*?)(?:\/>|>(.*?)(?:<\/?%s\s*>|\Z))"

Starts with the tag name at a word boundary, where the tag name is not a namespace

Definiert in Zeile 104 der Datei Parse.php.

Die Dokumentation für diese Klasse wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Datei:
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