Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore Klassenreferenz

Abgeleitet von Auth_OpenID_SQLStore.

Zusammengehörigkeiten von Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore:

Collaboration graph

Öffentliche Methoden

 setSQL ()
 _add_nonce ($server_url, $timestamp, $salt)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Definiert in Zeile 19 der Datei SQLiteStore.php.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

_add_nonce ( server_url,


Erneute Implementation von Auth_OpenID_SQLStore.

Definiert in Zeile 58 der Datei SQLiteStore.php.

00059     {
00060         // PECL SQLite extensions 1.0.3 and older (1.0.3 is the
00061         // current release at the time of this writing) have a broken
00062         // sqlite_escape_string function that breaks when passed the
00063         // empty string. Prefixing all strings with one character
00064         // keeps them unique and avoids this bug. The nonce table is
00065         // write-only, so we don't have to worry about updating other
00066         // functions with this same bad hack.
00067         return parent::_add_nonce('x' . $server_url, $timestamp, $salt);
00068     }

setSQL (  ) 

This method should be overridden by subclasses. This method is called by the constructor to set values in $this->sql, which is an array keyed on sql name.

Erneute Implementation von Auth_OpenID_SQLStore.

Definiert in Zeile 20 der Datei SQLiteStore.php.

00021     {
00022         $this->sql['nonce_table'] =
00023             "CREATE TABLE %s (server_url VARCHAR(2047), timestamp INTEGER, ".
00024             "salt CHAR(40), UNIQUE (server_url, timestamp, salt))";
00026         $this->sql['assoc_table'] =
00027             "CREATE TABLE %s (server_url VARCHAR(2047), handle VARCHAR(255), ".
00028             "secret BLOB(128), issued INTEGER, lifetime INTEGER, ".
00029             "assoc_type VARCHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (server_url, handle))";
00031         $this->sql['set_assoc'] =
00032             "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
00034         $this->sql['get_assocs'] =
00035             "SELECT handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type FROM %s ".
00036             "WHERE server_url = ?";
00038         $this->sql['get_assoc'] =
00039             "SELECT handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type FROM %s ".
00040             "WHERE server_url = ? AND handle = ?";
00042         $this->sql['remove_assoc'] =
00043             "DELETE FROM %s WHERE server_url = ? AND handle = ?";
00045         $this->sql['add_nonce'] =
00046             "INSERT INTO %s (server_url, timestamp, salt) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
00048         $this->sql['clean_nonce'] =
00049             "DELETE FROM %s WHERE timestamp < ?";
00051         $this->sql['clean_assoc'] =
00052             "DELETE FROM %s WHERE issued + lifetime < ?";
00053     }

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