Auth_OpenID_Server Klassenreferenz

Öffentliche Methoden

 Auth_OpenID_Server (&$store, $op_endpoint=null)
 handleRequest ($request)
 openid_check_authentication (&$request)
 openid_associate (&$request)
 encodeResponse (&$response)
 decodeRequest ($query=null)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Definiert in Zeile 1676 der Datei Server.php.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

Auth_OpenID_Server ( &$  store,
op_endpoint = null 

Definiert in Zeile 1677 der Datei Server.php.

01678     {
01679         $this->store =& $store;
01680         $this->signatory =& new Auth_OpenID_Signatory($this->store);
01681         $this->encoder =& new Auth_OpenID_SigningEncoder($this->signatory);
01682         $this->decoder =& new Auth_OpenID_Decoder($this);
01683         $this->op_endpoint = $op_endpoint;
01684         $this->negotiator =& Auth_OpenID_getDefaultNegotiator();
01685     }

decodeRequest ( query = null  ) 

Decodes a query args array into the appropriate Auth_OpenID_Request object.

Definiert in Zeile 1750 der Datei Server.php.

01751     {
01752         if ($query === null) {
01753             $query = Auth_OpenID::getQuery();
01754         }
01756         return $this->decoder->decode($query);
01757     }

encodeResponse ( &$  response  ) 

Encodes as response in the appropriate format suitable for sending to the user agent.

Definiert in Zeile 1741 der Datei Server.php.

01742     {
01743         return $this->encoder->encode($response);
01744     }

handleRequest ( request  ) 

Handle a request. Given an Auth_OpenID_Request object, call the appropriate Auth_OpenID_Server method to process the request and generate a response.

Auth_OpenID_Request $request An Auth_OpenID_Request returned by Auth_OpenID_Server::decodeRequest().
Auth_OpenID_ServerResponse $response A response object capable of generating a user-agent reply.

Definiert in Zeile 1698 der Datei Server.php.

01699     {
01700         if (method_exists($this, "openid_" . $request->mode)) {
01701             $handler = array($this, "openid_" . $request->mode);
01702             return call_user_func($handler, $request);
01703         }
01704         return null;
01705     }

openid_associate ( &$  request  ) 

The callback for 'associate' messages.

Definiert in Zeile 1718 der Datei Server.php.

01719     {
01720         $assoc_type = $request->assoc_type;
01721         $session_type = $request->session->session_type;
01722         if ($this->negotiator->isAllowed($assoc_type, $session_type)) {
01723             $assoc = $this->signatory->createAssociation(false,
01724                                                          $assoc_type);
01725             return $request->answer($assoc);
01726         } else {
01727             $message = sprintf('Association type %s is not supported with '.
01728                                'session type %s', $assoc_type, $session_type);
01729             list($preferred_assoc_type, $preferred_session_type) =
01730                 $this->negotiator->getAllowedType();
01731             return $request->answerUnsupported($message,
01732                                                $preferred_assoc_type,
01733                                                $preferred_session_type);
01734         }
01735     }

openid_check_authentication ( &$  request  ) 

The callback for 'check_authentication' messages.

Definiert in Zeile 1710 der Datei Server.php.

01711     {
01712         return $request->answer($this->signatory);
01713     }

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