libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_include.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
18 {
22  const CACHING_NOCACHE_CODE = 9999;
29  public $required_attributes = array('file');
36  public $shorttag_order = array('file');
43  public $option_flags = array('nocache', 'inline', 'caching');
50  public $optional_attributes = array('_any');
62  public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler $compiler, $parameter)
63  {
64  // check and get attributes
65  $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
67  // save possible attributes
68  $include_file = $_attr['file'];
70  if (isset($_attr['assign'])) {
71  // output will be stored in a smarty variable instead of being displayed
72  $_assign = $_attr['assign'];
73  }
75  $_parent_scope = Smarty::SCOPE_LOCAL;
76  if (isset($_attr['scope'])) {
77  $_attr['scope'] = trim($_attr['scope'], "'\"");
78  if ($_attr['scope'] == 'parent') {
79  $_parent_scope = Smarty::SCOPE_PARENT;
80  } elseif ($_attr['scope'] == 'root') {
81  $_parent_scope = Smarty::SCOPE_ROOT;
82  } elseif ($_attr['scope'] == 'global') {
83  $_parent_scope = Smarty::SCOPE_GLOBAL;
84  }
85  }
87  // assume caching is off
88  $_caching = Smarty::CACHING_OFF;
90  if ($_attr['nocache'] === true) {
91  $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
92  }
94  $call_nocache = $compiler->tag_nocache || $compiler->nocache;
96  // caching was on and {include} is not in nocache mode
97  if ($compiler->template->caching && !$compiler->nocache && !$compiler->tag_nocache) {
98  $_caching = self::CACHING_NOCACHE_CODE;
99  }
101  // flag if included template code should be merged into caller
102  $merge_compiled_includes = ($compiler->smarty->merge_compiled_includes || ($compiler->inheritance && $compiler->smarty->inheritance_merge_compiled_includes) || $_attr['inline'] === true) && !$compiler->template->source->recompiled;
104  if ($merge_compiled_includes && $_attr['inline'] !== true) {
105  // variable template name ?
106  if ($compiler->has_variable_string || !((substr_count($include_file, '"') == 2 || substr_count($include_file, "'") == 2)) || substr_count($include_file, '(') != 0 || substr_count($include_file, '$_smarty_tpl->') != 0) {
107  $merge_compiled_includes = false;
108  if ($compiler->template->caching) {
109  // must use individual cache file
110  //$_attr['caching'] = 1;
111  }
112  if ($compiler->inheritance && $compiler->smarty->inheritance_merge_compiled_includes && $_attr['inline'] !== true) {
113  $compiler->trigger_template_error(' variable template file names not allow within {block} tags');
114  }
115  }
116  // variable compile_id?
117  if (isset($_attr['compile_id'])) {
118  if (!((substr_count($_attr['compile_id'], '"') == 2 || substr_count($_attr['compile_id'], "'") == 2 || is_numeric($_attr['compile_id']))) || substr_count($_attr['compile_id'], '(') != 0 || substr_count($_attr['compile_id'], '$_smarty_tpl->') != 0) {
119  $merge_compiled_includes = false;
120  if ($compiler->template->caching) {
121  // must use individual cache file
122  //$_attr['caching'] = 1;
123  }
124  if ($compiler->inheritance && $compiler->smarty->inheritance_merge_compiled_includes && $_attr['inline'] !== true) {
125  $compiler->trigger_template_error(' variable compile_id not allow within {block} tags');
126  }
127  }
128  }
129  }
131  /*
132  * if the {include} tag provides individual parameter for caching or compile_id
133  * the subtemplate must not be included into the common cache file and is treated like
134  * a call in nocache mode.
135  *
136  */
137  if ($_attr['nocache'] !== true && $_attr['caching']) {
138  $_caching = $_new_caching = (int) $_attr['caching'];
139  $call_nocache = true;
140  } else {
141  $_new_caching = Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT;
142  }
143  if (isset($_attr['cache_lifetime'])) {
144  $_cache_lifetime = $_attr['cache_lifetime'];
145  $call_nocache = true;
146  $_caching = $_new_caching;
147  } else {
148  $_cache_lifetime = '$_smarty_tpl->cache_lifetime';
149  }
150  if (isset($_attr['cache_id'])) {
151  $_cache_id = $_attr['cache_id'];
152  $call_nocache = true;
153  $_caching = $_new_caching;
154  } else {
155  $_cache_id = '$_smarty_tpl->cache_id';
156  }
157  if (isset($_attr['compile_id'])) {
158  $_compile_id = $_attr['compile_id'];
159  } else {
160  $_compile_id = '$_smarty_tpl->compile_id';
161  }
163  // if subtemplate will be called in nocache mode do not merge
164  if ($compiler->template->caching && $call_nocache) {
165  $merge_compiled_includes = false;
166  }
168  $has_compiled_template = false;
169  if ($merge_compiled_includes) {
170  if ($compiler->template->caching && ($compiler->tag_nocache || $compiler->nocache) && $_caching != self::CACHING_NOCACHE_CODE) {
171  // $merge_compiled_includes = false;
172  if ($compiler->inheritance && $compiler->smarty->inheritance_merge_compiled_includes) {
173  $compiler->trigger_template_error(' invalid caching mode of subtemplate within {block} tags');
174  }
175  }
176  $c_id = isset($_attr['compile_id']) ? $_attr['compile_id'] : $compiler->template->compile_id;
177  // we must observe different compile_id and caching
178  $uid = sha1($c_id . ($_caching ? '--caching' : '--nocaching'));
179  $tpl_name = null;
184  $_smarty_tpl = $compiler->template;
185  eval("\$tpl_name = $include_file;");
186  if (!isset($compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid])) {
187  $compiler->smarty->allow_ambiguous_resources = true;
188  $tpl = new $compiler->smarty->template_class ($tpl_name, $compiler->smarty, $compiler->template, $compiler->template->cache_id, $c_id, $_caching);
189  // save unique function name
190  $compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid]['func'] = $tpl->properties['unifunc'] = 'content_' . str_replace(array('.', ','), '_', uniqid('', true));
191  if ($compiler->inheritance) {
192  $tpl->compiler->inheritance = true;
193  }
194  // make sure whole chain gets compiled
195  $tpl->mustCompile = true;
196  if (!($tpl->source->uncompiled) && $tpl->source->exists) {
197  $tpl->compiler->suppressTemplatePropertyHeader = true;
198  $compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid]['nocache_hash'] = $tpl->properties['nocache_hash'] = str_replace(array('.', ','), '_', uniqid(rand(), true));
199  // get compiled code
200  $compiled_code = Smarty_Internal_Extension_CodeFrame::createFunctionFrame($tpl, $tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($tpl, null, $compiler->parent_compiler));
201  unset($tpl->compiler);
203  // remove header code
204  $compiled_code = preg_replace("/(<\?php \/\*%%SmartyHeaderCode:{$tpl->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*\/(.+?)\/\*\/%%SmartyHeaderCode%%\*\/\?>\n)/s", '', $compiled_code);
205  if ($tpl->has_nocache_code) {
206  // replace nocache_hash
207  $compiled_code = str_replace("{$tpl->properties['nocache_hash']}", $compiler->template->properties['nocache_hash'], $compiled_code);
208  $compiler->template->has_nocache_code = true;
209  }
210  $compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesCode[$tpl->properties['unifunc']] = $compiled_code;
211  $has_compiled_template = true;
212  if (!empty($tpl->required_plugins['compiled'])) {
213  foreach ($tpl->required_plugins['compiled'] as $name => $callBack) {
214  if (!isset($compiler->template->required_plugins['compiled'][$name])) {
215  $compiler->template->required_plugins['compiled'][$name] = $callBack;
216  }
217  }
218  }
219  if (!empty($tpl->required_plugins['nocache'])) {
220  foreach ($tpl->required_plugins['nocache'] as $name => $callBack) {
221  if (!isset($compiler->template->required_plugins['nocache'][$name])) {
222  $compiler->template->required_plugins['nocache'][$name] = $callBack;
223  }
224  }
225  }
226  unset ($tpl);
227  }
228  } else {
229  $has_compiled_template = true;
230  }
231  }
232  // delete {include} standard attributes
233  unset($_attr['file'], $_attr['assign'], $_attr['cache_id'], $_attr['compile_id'], $_attr['cache_lifetime'], $_attr['nocache'], $_attr['caching'], $_attr['scope'], $_attr['inline']);
234  // remaining attributes must be assigned as smarty variable
235  $_vars_nc = '';
236  if (!empty($_attr)) {
237  if ($_parent_scope == Smarty::SCOPE_LOCAL) {
238  $_pairs = array();
239  // create variables
240  foreach ($_attr as $key => $value) {
241  $_pairs[] = "'$key'=>$value";
242  $_vars_nc .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['$key'] = new Smarty_Variable($value);\n";
243  }
244  $_vars = 'array(' . join(',', $_pairs) . ')';
245  } else {
246  $compiler->trigger_template_error('variable passing not allowed in parent/global scope', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
247  }
248  } else {
249  $_vars = 'array()';
250  }
251  $update_compile_id = $compiler->template->caching && !$compiler->tag_nocache && !$compiler->nocache && $_compile_id != '$_smarty_tpl->compile_id';
252  if ($has_compiled_template && !$call_nocache) {
253  // if ($has_compiled_template && !$compiler->tag_nocache && !$compiler->nocache) {
254  // never call inline templates in nocache mode
255  //$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
256  $_hash = $compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid]['nocache_hash'];
257  $_output = "<?php /* Call merged included template \"" . $tpl_name . "\" */\n";
258  if ($update_compile_id) {
259  $_output .= $compiler->makeNocacheCode("\$_compile_id_save[] = \$_smarty_tpl->compile_id;\n\$_smarty_tpl->compile_id = {$_compile_id};\n");
260  }
261  if (!empty($_vars_nc) && $_caching == 9999 && $_smarty_tpl->caching) {
262  //$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = false;
263  $_output .= substr($compiler->processNocacheCode('<?php ' . $_vars_nc . "?>\n", true), 6, - 3);
264  //$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
265  }
266  if (isset($_assign)) {
267  $_output .= " \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[$_assign] = new Smarty_Variable(\$_smarty_tpl->getInlineSubTemplate({$include_file}, {$_cache_id}, {$_compile_id}, {$_caching}, {$_cache_lifetime}, {$_vars}, {$_parent_scope}, '{$_hash}', '{$compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid]['func']}'));\n";
268  } else {
269  $_output .= "echo \$_smarty_tpl->getInlineSubTemplate({$include_file}, {$_cache_id}, {$_compile_id}, {$_caching}, {$_cache_lifetime}, {$_vars}, {$_parent_scope}, '{$_hash}', '{$compiler->parent_compiler->mergedSubTemplatesData[$tpl_name][$uid]['func']}');\n";
270  }
271  if ($update_compile_id) {
272  $_output .= $compiler->makeNocacheCode("\$_smarty_tpl->compile_id = array_pop(\$_compile_id_save);\n");
273  }
274  $_output .= "/* End of included template \"" . $tpl_name . "\" */?>\n";
276  return $_output;
277  }
279  if ($call_nocache) {
280  $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
281  }
282  $_output = "<?php ";
283  if ($update_compile_id) {
284  $_output .= "\$_compile_id_save[] = \$_smarty_tpl->compile_id;\n\$_smarty_tpl->compile_id = {$_compile_id};\n";
285  }
286  // was there an assign attribute
287  if (isset($_assign)) {
288  $_output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[$_assign] = new Smarty_Variable(\$_smarty_tpl->getSubTemplate ($include_file, $_cache_id, $_compile_id, $_caching, $_cache_lifetime, $_vars, $_parent_scope));\n";
289  } else {
290  $_output .= "echo \$_smarty_tpl->getSubTemplate ($include_file, $_cache_id, $_compile_id, $_caching, $_cache_lifetime, $_vars, $_parent_scope);\n";
291  }
292  if ($update_compile_id) {
293  $_output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->compile_id = array_pop(\$_compile_id_save);\n";
294  }
295  $_output .= "?>\n";
296  return $_output;
297  }
298 }

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