libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_print_expression.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
18 {
25  public $optional_attributes = array('assign');
32  public $option_flags = array('nocache', 'nofilter');
44  public function compile($args, $compiler, $parameter)
45  {
46  // check and get attributes
47  $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
48  // nocache option
49  if ($_attr['nocache'] === true) {
50  $compiler->tag_nocache = true;
51  }
52  if (isset($_attr['assign'])) {
53  // assign output to variable
54  $output = "<?php \$_smarty_tpl->assign({$_attr['assign']},{$parameter['value']});?>";
55  } else {
56  // display value
57  $output = $parameter['value'];
58  // tag modifier
59  if (!empty($parameter['modifierlist'])) {
60  $output = $compiler->compileTag('private_modifier', array(), array('modifierlist' => $parameter['modifierlist'], 'value' => $output));
61  }
62  if (!$_attr['nofilter']) {
63  // default modifier
64  if (!empty($compiler->smarty->default_modifiers)) {
65  if (empty($compiler->default_modifier_list)) {
66  $modifierlist = array();
67  foreach ($compiler->smarty->default_modifiers as $key => $single_default_modifier) {
68  preg_match_all('/(\'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\'|"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"|:|[^:]+)/', $single_default_modifier, $mod_array);
69  for ($i = 0, $count = count($mod_array[0]); $i < $count; $i ++) {
70  if ($mod_array[0][$i] != ':') {
71  $modifierlist[$key][] = $mod_array[0][$i];
72  }
73  }
74  }
75  $compiler->default_modifier_list = $modifierlist;
76  }
77  $output = $compiler->compileTag('private_modifier', array(), array('modifierlist' => $compiler->default_modifier_list, 'value' => $output));
78  }
79  // autoescape html
80  if ($compiler->template->smarty->escape_html) {
81  $output = "htmlspecialchars({$output}, ENT_QUOTES, '" . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . "')";
82  }
83  // loop over registered filters
84  if (!empty($compiler->template->smarty->registered_filters[Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE])) {
85  foreach ($compiler->template->smarty->registered_filters[Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE] as $key => $function) {
86  if (!is_array($function)) {
87  $output = "{$function}({$output},\$_smarty_tpl)";
88  } elseif (is_object($function[0])) {
89  $output = "\$_smarty_tpl->smarty->registered_filters[Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE]['{$key}'][0]->{$function[1]}({$output},\$_smarty_tpl)";
90  } else {
91  $output = "{$function[0]}::{$function[1]}({$output},\$_smarty_tpl)";
92  }
93  }
94  }
95  // auto loaded filters
96  if (isset($compiler->smarty->autoload_filters[Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE])) {
97  foreach ((array) $compiler->template->smarty->autoload_filters[Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE] as $name) {
98  $result = $this->compile_output_filter($compiler, $name, $output);
99  if ($result !== false) {
100  $output = $result;
101  } else {
102  // not found, throw exception
103  throw new SmartyException("Unable to load filter '{$name}'");
104  }
105  }
106  }
107  if (isset($compiler->template->variable_filters)) {
108  foreach ($compiler->template->variable_filters as $filter) {
109  if (count($filter) == 1 && ($result = $this->compile_output_filter($compiler, $filter[0], $output)) !== false) {
110  $output = $result;
111  } else {
112  $output = $compiler->compileTag('private_modifier', array(), array('modifierlist' => array($filter), 'value' => $output));
113  }
114  }
115  }
116  }
118  $compiler->has_output = true;
119  $output = "<?php echo {$output};?>";
120  }
122  return $output;
123  }
132  private function compile_output_filter($compiler, $name, $output)
133  {
134  $plugin_name = "smarty_variablefilter_{$name}";
135  $path = $compiler->smarty->loadPlugin($plugin_name, false);
136  if ($path) {
137  if ($compiler->template->caching) {
138  $compiler->template->required_plugins['nocache'][$name][Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE]['file'] = $path;
139  $compiler->template->required_plugins['nocache'][$name][Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE]['function'] = $plugin_name;
140  } else {
141  $compiler->template->required_plugins['compiled'][$name][Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE]['file'] = $path;
142  $compiler->template->required_plugins['compiled'][$name][Smarty::FILTER_VARIABLE]['function'] = $plugin_name;
143  }
144  } else {
145  // not found
146  return false;
147  }
149  return "{$plugin_name}({$output},\$_smarty_tpl)";
150  }
151 }

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