libs/sysplugins/smarty_security.php Quellcode

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1 <?php
10 /*
11  * FIXME: Smarty_Security API
12  * - getter and setter instead of public properties would allow cultivating an internal cache properly
13  * - current implementation of isTrustedResourceDir() assumes that Smarty::$template_dir and Smarty::$config_dir are immutable
14  * the cache is killed every time either of the variables change. That means that two distinct Smarty objects with differing
15  * $template_dir or $config_dir should NOT share the same Smarty_Security instance,
16  * as this would lead to (severe) performance penalty! how should this be handled?
17  */
23 {
43  public $secure_dir = array();
50  public $trusted_dir = array();
56  public $trusted_uri = array();
62  public $trusted_constants = array();
70  public $static_classes = array();
84  public $trusted_static_methods = array();
98  public $trusted_static_properties = array();
106  public $php_functions = array(
107  'isset', 'empty',
108  'count', 'sizeof',
109  'in_array', 'is_array',
110  'time',
111  );
119  public $php_modifiers = array(
120  'escape',
121  'count',
122  'nl2br',
123  );
130  public $allowed_tags = array();
137  public $disabled_tags = array();
144  public $allowed_modifiers = array();
151  public $disabled_modifiers = array();
165  public $streams = array('file');
171  public $allow_constants = true;
177  public $allow_super_globals = true;
195  protected $_resource_dir = null;
201  protected $_template_dir = null;
207  protected $_config_dir = null;
213  protected $_secure_dir = null;
219  protected $_php_resource_dir = null;
225  protected $_trusted_dir = null;
230  public function __construct($smarty)
231  {
232  $this->smarty = $smarty;
233  }
244  public function isTrustedPhpFunction($function_name, $compiler)
245  {
246  if (isset($this->php_functions) && (empty($this->php_functions) || in_array($function_name, $this->php_functions))) {
247  return true;
248  }
250  $compiler->trigger_template_error("PHP function '{$function_name}' not allowed by security setting");
252  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
253  }
264  public function isTrustedStaticClass($class_name, $compiler)
265  {
266  if (isset($this->static_classes) && (empty($this->static_classes) || in_array($class_name, $this->static_classes))) {
267  return true;
268  }
270  $compiler->trigger_template_error("access to static class '{$class_name}' not allowed by security setting");
272  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
273  }
285  public function isTrustedStaticClassAccess($class_name, $params, $compiler)
286  {
287  if (!isset($params[2])) {
288  // fall back
289  return $this->isTrustedStaticClass($class_name, $compiler);
290  }
291  if ($params[2] == 'method') {
293  $name = substr($params[0], 0, strpos($params[0], '('));
294  } else {
296  // strip '$'
297  $name = substr($params[0], 1);
298  }
299  if (isset($allowed)) {
300  if (empty($allowed)) {
301  // fall back
302  return $this->isTrustedStaticClass($class_name, $compiler);
303  }
304  if (isset($allowed[$class_name])
305  && (empty($allowed[$class_name])
306  || in_array($name, $allowed[$class_name]))
307  ) {
308  return true;
309  }
310  }
311  $compiler->trigger_template_error("access to static class '{$class_name}' {$params[2]} '{$name}' not allowed by security setting");
312  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
313  }
324  public function isTrustedPhpModifier($modifier_name, $compiler)
325  {
326  if (isset($this->php_modifiers) && (empty($this->php_modifiers) || in_array($modifier_name, $this->php_modifiers))) {
327  return true;
328  }
330  $compiler->trigger_template_error("modifier '{$modifier_name}' not allowed by security setting");
332  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
333  }
344  public function isTrustedTag($tag_name, $compiler)
345  {
346  // check for internal always required tags
347  if (in_array($tag_name, array('assign', 'call', 'private_filter', 'private_block_plugin', 'private_function_plugin', 'private_object_block_function',
348  'private_object_function', 'private_registered_function', 'private_registered_block', 'private_special_variable', 'private_print_expression', 'private_modifier'))
349  ) {
350  return true;
351  }
352  // check security settings
353  if (empty($this->allowed_tags)) {
354  if (empty($this->disabled_tags) || !in_array($tag_name, $this->disabled_tags)) {
355  return true;
356  } else {
357  $compiler->trigger_template_error("tag '{$tag_name}' disabled by security setting", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
358  }
359  } elseif (in_array($tag_name, $this->allowed_tags) && !in_array($tag_name, $this->disabled_tags)) {
360  return true;
361  } else {
362  $compiler->trigger_template_error("tag '{$tag_name}' not allowed by security setting", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
363  }
365  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
366  }
377  public function isTrustedSpecialSmartyVar($var_name, $compiler)
378  {
379  if (!in_array($var_name, $this->disabled_special_smarty_vars)) {
380  return true;
381  } else {
382  $compiler->trigger_template_error("special variable '\$smarty.{$var_name}' not allowed by security setting", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
383  }
385  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
386  }
397  public function isTrustedModifier($modifier_name, $compiler)
398  {
399  // check for internal always allowed modifier
400  if (in_array($modifier_name, array('default'))) {
401  return true;
402  }
403  // check security settings
404  if (empty($this->allowed_modifiers)) {
405  if (empty($this->disabled_modifiers) || !in_array($modifier_name, $this->disabled_modifiers)) {
406  return true;
407  } else {
408  $compiler->trigger_template_error("modifier '{$modifier_name}' disabled by security setting", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
409  }
410  } elseif (in_array($modifier_name, $this->allowed_modifiers) && !in_array($modifier_name, $this->disabled_modifiers)) {
411  return true;
412  } else {
413  $compiler->trigger_template_error("modifier '{$modifier_name}' not allowed by security setting", $compiler->lex->taglineno);
414  }
416  return false; // should not, but who knows what happens to the compiler in the future?
417  }
427  public function isTrustedConstant($const, $compiler)
428  {
429  if (in_array($const, array('true', 'false', 'null'))) {
430  return true;
431  }
432  if (!empty($this->trusted_constants)) {
433  if (!in_array($const, $this->trusted_constants)) {
434  $compiler->trigger_template_error("Security: access to constant '{$const}' not permitted");
435  return false;
436  }
437  return true;
438  }
439  if ($this->allow_constants) {
440  return true;
441  }
442  $compiler->trigger_template_error("Security: access to constants not permitted");
443  return false;
444  }
454  public function isTrustedStream($stream_name)
455  {
456  if (isset($this->streams) && (empty($this->streams) || in_array($stream_name, $this->streams))) {
457  return true;
458  }
460  throw new SmartyException("stream '{$stream_name}' not allowed by security setting");
461  }
471  public function isTrustedResourceDir($filepath)
472  {
473  $_template = false;
474  $_config = false;
475  $_secure = false;
477  $_template_dir = $this->smarty->getTemplateDir();
478  $_config_dir = $this->smarty->getConfigDir();
480  // check if index is outdated
481  if ((!$this->_template_dir || $this->_template_dir !== $_template_dir)
482  || (!$this->_config_dir || $this->_config_dir !== $_config_dir)
483  || (!empty($this->secure_dir) && (!$this->_secure_dir || $this->_secure_dir !== $this->secure_dir))
484  ) {
485  $this->_resource_dir = array();
486  $_template = true;
487  $_config = true;
488  $_secure = !empty($this->secure_dir);
489  }
491  // rebuild template dir index
492  if ($_template) {
493  $this->_template_dir = $_template_dir;
494  foreach ($_template_dir as $directory) {
495  $directory = realpath($directory);
496  $this->_resource_dir[$directory] = true;
497  }
498  }
500  // rebuild config dir index
501  if ($_config) {
502  $this->_config_dir = $_config_dir;
503  foreach ($_config_dir as $directory) {
504  $directory = realpath($directory);
505  $this->_resource_dir[$directory] = true;
506  }
507  }
509  // rebuild secure dir index
510  if ($_secure) {
511  $this->_secure_dir = $this->secure_dir;
512  foreach ((array) $this->secure_dir as $directory) {
513  $directory = realpath($directory);
514  $this->_resource_dir[$directory] = true;
515  }
516  }
518  $_filepath = realpath($filepath);
519  $directory = dirname($_filepath);
520  $_directory = array();
521  while (true) {
522  // remember the directory to add it to _resource_dir in case we're successful
523  $_directory[$directory] = true;
524  // test if the directory is trusted
525  if (isset($this->_resource_dir[$directory])) {
526  // merge sub directories of current $directory into _resource_dir to speed up subsequent lookup
527  $this->_resource_dir = array_merge($this->_resource_dir, $_directory);
529  return true;
530  }
531  // abort if we've reached root
532  if (($pos = strrpos($directory, DS)) === false || !isset($directory[1])) {
533  break;
534  }
535  // bubble up one level
536  $directory = substr($directory, 0, $pos);
537  }
539  // give up
540  throw new SmartyException("directory '{$_filepath}' not allowed by security setting");
541  }
555  public function isTrustedUri($uri)
556  {
557  $_uri = parse_url($uri);
558  if (!empty($_uri['scheme']) && !empty($_uri['host'])) {
559  $_uri = $_uri['scheme'] . '://' . $_uri['host'];
560  foreach ($this->trusted_uri as $pattern) {
561  if (preg_match($pattern, $_uri)) {
562  return true;
563  }
564  }
565  }
567  throw new SmartyException("URI '{$uri}' not allowed by security setting");
568  }
578  public function isTrustedPHPDir($filepath)
579  {
580  if (empty($this->trusted_dir)) {
581  throw new SmartyException("directory '{$filepath}' not allowed by security setting (no trusted_dir specified)");
582  }
584  // check if index is outdated
585  if (!$this->_trusted_dir || $this->_trusted_dir !== $this->trusted_dir) {
586  $this->_php_resource_dir = array();
588  $this->_trusted_dir = $this->trusted_dir;
589  foreach ((array) $this->trusted_dir as $directory) {
590  $directory = realpath($directory);
591  $this->_php_resource_dir[$directory] = true;
592  }
593  }
595  $_filepath = realpath($filepath);
596  $directory = dirname($_filepath);
597  $_directory = array();
598  while (true) {
599  // remember the directory to add it to _resource_dir in case we're successful
600  $_directory[] = $directory;
601  // test if the directory is trusted
602  if (isset($this->_php_resource_dir[$directory])) {
603  // merge sub directories of current $directory into _resource_dir to speed up subsequent lookup
604  $this->_php_resource_dir = array_merge($this->_php_resource_dir, $_directory);
606  return true;
607  }
608  // abort if we've reached root
609  if (($pos = strrpos($directory, DS)) === false || !isset($directory[2])) {
610  break;
611  }
612  // bubble up one level
613  $directory = substr($directory, 0, $pos);
614  }
616  throw new SmartyException("directory '{$_filepath}' not allowed by security setting");
617  }
626  public function startTemplate($template)
627  {
628  if ($this->max_template_nesting > 0 && $this->_current_template_nesting ++ >= $this->max_template_nesting) {
629  throw new SmartyException("maximum template nesting level of '{$this->max_template_nesting}' exceeded when calling '{$template->template_resource}'");
630  }
631  }
638  public function exitTemplate($template)
639  {
640  if ($this->max_template_nesting > 0) {
641  $this->_current_template_nesting --;
642  }
643  }
644 }

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