Auth_OpenID_SRegBase Klassenreferenz

Abgeleitet von Auth_OpenID_Extension.

Basisklasse für Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest und Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse.

Zusammengehörigkeiten von Auth_OpenID_SRegBase:

Collaboration graph

Öffentliche Methoden

 _getSRegNS (&$message)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Definiert in Zeile 109 der Datei SReg.php.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

_getSRegNS ( &$  message  ) 

Extract the simple registration namespace URI from the given OpenID message. Handles OpenID 1 and 2, as well as both sreg namespace URIs found in the wild, as well as missing namespace definitions (for OpenID 1)

$message: The OpenID message from which to parse simple registration fields. This may be a request or response message.

Returns the sreg namespace URI for the supplied message. The message may be modified to define a simple registration namespace.


Definiert in Zeile 125 der Datei SReg.php.

00126     {
00127         $alias = null;
00128         $found_ns_uri = null;
00130         // See if there exists an alias for one of the two defined
00131         // simple registration types.
00132         foreach (array(Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_1,
00133                        Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_0) as $sreg_ns_uri) {
00134             $alias = $message->namespaces->getAlias($sreg_ns_uri);
00135             if ($alias !== null) {
00136                 $found_ns_uri = $sreg_ns_uri;
00137                 break;
00138             }
00139         }
00141         if ($alias === null) {
00142             // There is no alias for either of the types, so try to
00143             // add one. We default to using the modern value (1.1)
00144             $found_ns_uri = Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_1;
00145             if ($message->namespaces->addAlias(Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_1,
00146                                                'sreg') === null) {
00147                 // An alias for the string 'sreg' already exists, but
00148                 // it's defined for something other than simple
00149                 // registration
00150                 return null;
00151             }
00152         }
00154         return $found_ns_uri;
00155     }

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